So my CGW subscription ends up being for

Yeah, it does sound kinda hot without context. Unfortunately it’s just the guy who goes around with contractors while they’re on base to make sure they don’t go into any restricted areas.

Okay, I’ve now gotten my third issue of Maxim in a week. And I’m doomed to get this until June 2011.

I guess I could get my money, but I’d rather trade it for a subscription to Wired or something.

You can always try this. Call QSP. They handle many of the subscriptions in the USA. If they handled yours, you can directly request a refund or a credit for a different subscription. I got credit for got EGM and CGW this way. If it was not QSP, then I’m sure the other biggies (of which I have no info…sorry) might do the same.

Here is the contact info:

PO BOX 10203


You should definitely, definitely get a subscription to Wired, even if you have to pay for it. It’s only like $8 a year anyway.

Well, the demographics of the two are probably really close. 90% male ages 18-35? So for most it probably fits.

I remember back when I first subscribed to PC Gamer about 10 years ago - it was some deal that came with another magazine. But I didn’t have a 2nd one in mind. The operator looked at the demographic and suggested Maxim.

Eh… what does she do?

Yeah no joke. That is kinda a whack thing to think.

It’s not all the time. In fact, she bought me my 360 and various GBA/DS/DSi devices, so she does try. I suppose it comes from her dad, who was a deadbeat who never held-down a job, but was really into sports and obsessed over them. I think deep down she fears that these “games” are not related to a “real” job, and it will all disappear one day. It’s understandable, but still frustrating.