So who is playing homeworld 2?

I remember using claw formation all the time because it looked the coolest!

I played Cataclysm and enjoyed it. I love the Dreadnought voice cue for attack: “YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES.”

K, I’m getting it just for that. Hahaha

The worst part about HW2 is that the story sucks. This matters because the first Homeworld had an epic story that, unlike HW2, managed to be epic without veering into the cliché semi mystical prophecy bullshit end of the spectrum. It must be at least ten years ago since I played HW, yet I can still name several of the memorable moments and levels. The Gardens of Kadesh, the ghost ship, the junkyard dog. The only thing I remember from HW2 was that you needed to gather some kafoozels to get a big gurkadurka which you then could only use in a prescribed manner in the final mission. Even Cataclysm had the better story as long as you accepted the evil cheese that was the Beast.

Regardless, Cataclysm is the best one overall imho. The first HW has several enjoyment reducing faults that were fixed in HW:C. Multiplayer was fun too as the two sides were nothing alike.

I just played skirmish mode or whatever they called it in Cataclysm against multiple AI opponents.

The evil cheese? :D

The evils in Cataclysm was the unbridled ambition of the Kiith Somtaaw (the guys you play) and the Taiidani (bad guys from HW1). The whole campaign is basically a quest for redemption.

The evil cheese itself is just really alien. You could even make the argument that it is trying to be benign; eating people as much for the sake of immortalising them as because they’re food to it. It does exactly the same thing to disparate bits of itself.

… Whatever. I liked Cataclysm’s story.

Oh I liked the story well enough. As you say the Taiidani imperial remnant were antagonists as well but they had a logical reason for that. The Beast however was “You are what all life is to us. FOOD!!!” with threatening reverb and GRAWLABRALLLAW! sound effects.

As a side note, when there was a fan project to produce a better story Sierra landed it a cease & desist. They were…more than a little touchy on the topic, apparently.

Yes the soundtrack on HW1 is just fantastic.