Social media controls the world

Can you care about both? I ha e two daughters and have long feared social media and the influence it will have on them. I would fear the same if I had a son.

I agree with this. I think that without Facebook social media could be replaced by several largish platforms, but also return to a lot of smaller proprietary or open source networks and forums, sort of like it was before Facebook became really big. Bots spam every forum, but getting useful data from them is a lot harder. At least, it would be slightly more difficult to say that Jim on forum/network A is the same person as Jimbo on forum/network B.

Also, Facebook regulating itself is unfair/unrealistic I think. That’s a role for government IMO, which seems unlikely to happen.

This is a good video that explain how changes in youtube are pushing people to clickbaiting

How do you get to a list of topics on YouTube? I have a phone app that does this, but cannot find it on the main site. My biggest pet peeve (assuming YouTube proper does the same thing as my phone app) is that “Science” and “Technology” are lumped into one category. The top “trending” videos in this category are shitty tech product reviews/unboxings/whatever of stuff I will never buy. Meh.

I have seen my daughters develop with social media. It is pretty much a requirement for growing up now as so much of the communication is done within it. The group requires it. How they interact with it is on them though, their friends and their development level. Probably the worst experience I can remember with my daughters occurred after high school when a couple that had gotten married saw their marriage end in a nasty break up, which led to the friends taking sides over social media. There are literally old friends who no longer speak/contact each other because of what happened then.

This type of thing happened before social media, though. Friends of couples often take sides and don’t socialize with the other ex-spouse.

Yea, but in the modern age of social media it can all go down in one night with everyone weighing in with their own two cents worth. I literally saw a social media nuke go off in mere hours. With the old fashioned phone call that would have perhaps taken weeks and even then everyone would not be sharing texts or tweets within seconds.

That’s a big YIKES.

There has been quite a socmed hullabaloo over this in the last 2 days…

I’m not sure I agree with that take on Al Jazeera at all. I don’t think they’re trying to ‘glamorize’ Islamism.

They’re ‘just’ Holocaust-deniers?

Clearly some of their employees are. Do you ever watch Al Jazeera? Or read them?

I have to side with Scott on this one; AJ tends to be pretty decent on the news front. They certainly have a slant, but it’s usually pro-Qatar (at times stupidly so) rather than anything else. As the state religion in Qatar is Islam, they don’t bash the faith but neither do they proselytize it. There have indeed been a handful of nutjobs at AJ, but they typically get run off rather than getting promoted like on Fox.

Oh the Arabic AJ vs English AJ meme is well known thing in the exmuslim community. During the Syrian civil war AJ Arabic had shows inciting genocide against the Alawites.

Al Jazeera Arabic merely represents its viewers.

and this turned up when i was looking for some AJ Arabic links. Arabic youtube is the same cesspit that English youtube is.

A while ago, a raging leftist came here

the fight between left wing and right wing ex-Muslims is no different to any other forum, but this was a useful post as far as translations are concerned.

Yeah, Faisal al-Qassem is a jackhole extraordinaire of Sean Hannity levels.

also, this makes me want to barf:

President Donald Trump is a “master” of Twitter, according to the company’s co-founder Ev Williams.

“What Trump has done with Twitter is pretty genius, frankly,” Williams said in an interview with CNN Business at the Collision tech conference in Toronto on Tuesday. “He’s a master of the platform like few others.”

The president regularly uses his Twitter account to go after his political opponents and has made false and misleading statements on the platform. But Williams argued the potential negative effects of the president’s tweets on the country’s political discourse are “trivial compared to the effect of the broader media.”

Give me a fucking break. Williams is talking about this like it’s a freaking A/B test with petri dishes. “Master of the platform?” Your platform sucks.

There is every implication that Twitter’s continuing mission is to amplify right-wing and fascist narratives, so master of the platform is pretty apt. It’s also clearly a statement of deep admiration. Fuck twitter, fuck jack and fuck this piece of shit too.

The thing that I find particularly fucked up about this is that it’s a reflection that they really admire him because of how well they perceive him to use their social media platform. That’s like Bill Gates being in awe of Osama bin Laden because he’s so good with Microsoft Word. It completely ignores the person using the tool and heaps narcissistic praise based solely on how somebody interacts with a piece of software. So weird.

“Master of the platform” because they’re too chickenshit to actually enforce their rules on him. A common user with the same exact tweets would have been banned by now.