[Solium Infernum] Game for those available throughout the week

As soon as I receive everyone’s Archfiend portrait # (no duplicates), name, and icon (if you don’t want a random one assigned), I’ll send out the invites! The goal is to take at least 2 turns/day, hopefully more. So, post those details, so we can get this game underway!

Fine fine… I’ll just take buff dude with 3 heads breathing fire in the “I rock” stance. hehe

I’ll go with the fat poster child of this game for my portrait, #5. Gunner for the name.

Whoops, sorry. I wasn’t checking the thread as often as I should. Put me down for:

Portrait #7, Name: Old Scratch, Icon: The eye shaped thingy.

Invites have been sent! Let me know if you don’t receive the invite.

When I host a game, I run a tight ship, because I don’t want the players to get frustrated by a stalled game. Knowing that…

It’s already Sunday morning, nearly 24 hours after I sent out the invites, and I still have yet to receive one turn (check post #1 for the slacker). When you signed onto this game, you agreed to take multiple turns per day. It’s been 3 days since we’ve had the players we need, and we still haven’t started Turn 1. Certain players are not keeping tabs on this thread (you should be subscribed to it if you aren’t already) and/or ignoring the PMs I’ve sent them.

I’m not going to waste my time and effort hosting this game if the players aren’t going to provide what I request and submit multiple turns per day. I realize this is a busy time of the year, and don’t expect a lot between now and the new year, but we should have been on Turn 1 by now.

BTW, if you plan on being on vacation and unable to take any turns for a period of time, please post so in this thread so we’re all aware. It’s the courteous thing to do, mm’k?

Mmm, public shame. Perhaps I should have taken Sloth? Anyhow, here’s my excuse: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/weather/12/20/winter.weather/index.html

FWIW, if I’m holding up the game too much, I won’t be offended if you want to turn me into an AI. I’m around this week, but for some things, Real Life ™ has to take priority.

Oh, sure–blame Mother Nature. I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page and able to take at least two turns daily, even on weekdays.

In other news, I suggest we all strive to eliminate Ethylene Oxide and her Archfiend, Zstylzhemghi, simply because of that name. It’s atrocious! Where was it wrought, in the bowels of hell? Oh, wait…

How dare you, I’m not a girl! lol

Also sorry about not seeing the PMs… I was expecting emails if you needed anything.

People makin’ purchases in the Bazaar on Turn 1. Hell’s gone bonkers!


err, I mean good luck have fun! ^_____________^

I know - I clearly don’t know how to play this game, as I have no idea how to get that many resources so quickly. It seems like the only option there is to crank your Charisma?

Yeah higher Charisma will increase your tribute quality and options. Everyone has to submit a “Demand tribute” option to get anything in a turn though. There are also other unscrupulous ways to get tribute as well - through demands or pilfering.

Ok, I get that much of it, but it’s not like you can demand tribute before your first turn. Since you get an initial set of resources to start the game, it seems to me the only thing left is a high Charisma.

Yeah pretty much. Unfortunately I don’t think you can get away with not putting at least two points into Charisma, otherwise you’ll be at a severe disadvantage. But you could still come out ahead in other ways.

Isn’t the amount of starting resources you get tied to your rank? Potentially one of the bigger advantages of rank if there’s good stuff on the market at the beginning.

Hmm… let me ask my friend Manuel.

Also, I’ve sent in turn 2, Mysterio - I can resend it if it hasn’t shown up.

Resources is one of the few things not directly impacted by ones rank. Rank affects (all beneficial):

[li]Stronghold Strength[/li][li]Starting Legion Strength[/li][li]Lower Wagers for Demands/Insults[/li][li]Shorter Diplomatic Vendetta Wagers[/li][li]Shorter Diplomatic Waiting Periods[/li][li]Longer Vendetta Time Limits[/li][/ul]
Those are reasons why the highest rank (Prince) costs 40% of your starting Fiend Points, while the lowest rank (Lord) costs nothing. Assuming you choose the Prince rank and Charisma 3, which is a common build, you’ll be left with just 4 FPs and not enough points to purchase even the cheapest, beneficial perk (5 FPs), assuming you don’t take Lust or Gluttony as a Public Objective or any negative perks. It’s rare to see a Prince without either of those two POs.

You sure about that? I could have sworn I read something about it somewhere and I just popped off several test games. Seems like Princes usually get 5 initial tribute offerings, Dukes 4, Marquis 3 or 4, and Baron just 3. This is just the first turn offerings I’m talking about here.

Oh, yeah–that is true. It does determine the number of tribute events you receive on Turn 1. I didn’t realize that’s what you were referring to. I shall now claim vendetta upon you for your lack of respect toward my poor comprehension skills.