Solium Infernum PBEM sign-up thread (updated to include PBEM BBQ!)

I am in, I read the manual and played once, I know enough to play poorly! I can host if my hours are acceptable, can only play/update between 8-11 PM EST.


I’m in. After one semi-confused single-player experience, I think I’ve got my head around all the basic concepts. Hosting doesn’t look like a huge commitment, so put me down for that if necessary.

Presumably we should all be on the latest patch?

Damnit, what happened to the other signup thread? :(

Thanks for organizing, Tom! I’m just waiting for one person, and we can get set up. If I don’t hear from them, I’ll PM someone without a game from this thread.

Merakon. Available to join a game. I’m patched to 1.01a

Ready to go! Having won 2 against the AI I feel competent enough to make an Archfiend that will lose badly to other players.

I’m in, think I’ve got the basics down, ready for some scheming and plotting.

I signed up in the previous thread and I’ll sign up in here. Put me down as a host if we need one for a group.

Willing to participate in a Hellbound orgy, am playing on UK time though.

MythicalMino, ready to help someone else win!!

haha, that’s funny.

heh…well, that pretty much sums up what will most likely happen

That’s a victory condition, you know.

Sign me up. I’m UK time too.

Game #3 will be as follows:

Damn It All
porousnapkin (host)
Jack Black

Participants PM porousnapkin your email address.

Game #2 is still waiting on Ben Sones and Juffo-Wup to PM the host their email addresses. When we get one more, we’ll begin game #4.


tiohn is in for a game, but I can’t promise more than one turn a day.

I’m in, though I’ve played but one game.

One turn a day is fine, though it might be nice to have everyone agree on a starting time when we can all be online at the same time, so that we can pump out the first 10 or so turns quickly.

Game #4 will be as follows:

Deviled Eggs
Soldats (host)

Participants PM Soldats your email address.


Hi all. Have the manual just about fully digested (and printed out!) and a couple games under my belt. Would love to get in on the next game forming.