Someone explain Twitch to me

Surely we’ve hit bottom now. There can’t possibly be any more “insensitive” terms left to ban.

There is Twitch itself - it could always be looked negatively upon by individuals with ADD.

I mean, it may not have bothered many people, but the cost of using different terms like “no spoiler playthrough” is basically zero, so it’s hard to get upset about it.

I was thinking about what you would call actual eyes shut / monitor off runs though.

The cost is that screwing up terminology makes Twitch streams and Youtube videos that much harder to promote, find, and fit into a title. I hope you’re happpy, blind people. You’ve just destroyed the heart of gaming.

Hafu is a great Twitch personality. I had a lot of fun watching her play Hearthstone arena. Less so Among Us, as that’s not really a game I enjoy watching. Fun to play though.

That said, anyone whose meal is the baconator is all right with me. :)

Yeah, go hard after streamers. That’ll work out great.

I sure would like to know who is lobbying him so I can promptly avoid giving them anything in the future.

To be fair, Thom Thillish is really good at being an absolute fucking asshole all on his own, but since he’s older than Methuselah, fair point that there’s probably some RIAA/MPAA Grima Wormtongue in his ear on this one.

Is this a followup to DJT’s “Section 230” rant/threats?

Pretty sure this is just normal, run-of-the-mill corruption.

The great news is that now when a streamer gets Swatted right in the middle of a stream it’ll be justified.

They’re only offended by the term “simp” because simps are their primary source of revenue and Twitch would prefer they not be stigmatized for donating to Twitch cammers.

Which is funny because some of the Twitch channels run by active porn stars embrace and encourage simps and related terms.

Glad to see Twitch handling the real problems.


Now don’t get me wrong, I was never a big fan of that shit. It was annoying and basically non-existent on most of the channels I follow, but… really? This is a thing that you’re doing? Not the DMCA Dragon in the background ravaging the fields? This?

Large companies are capable of doing more than one thing at a time.

Twitch, protecting the REAL victims.

Sure. But also: Twitch.

So Twitch is for harassment that doesn’t use those words, I guess.
It isn’t even a policy so much as an excuse to use later.

“You can use those words, just not to harass people”.
“So we can harass people as long as we use other words?”
“Well, no.”
“Then, what is the point of this?”
“Watch more ADs.”

There is a reason basically all streamers retweet these:

I’ve got to get in on these talking to myself in a different shirt videos. Seem all the rage lately.


so that’s why i’ve been seeing references to shrimps today