Sore throat medicine?

I thought he froze up and missed that free throw.

I like a nice Lapsang Souchang, but whenever I drink it, people start worrying that something’s on fire…

NESTEA, of course!

I too hate tea. But with two spoons of sugar, I can stomach it. When I had a cold two weeks ago, I had a lot of

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Well, it also works with mouthwash. That’s how I first discovered it.

I gargled for about 5 seconds with about half a teaspoon, and then accidentally swallowed, allowing the anesthetic to coat my throat. My sore throat was relieved.

My father gets sinus infections, and he swears by the treatment of sucking up his nose (cup to nostril) as much salt water as he can handle. A friend of his was convinced he could one-up him in the home-remedy, sucking-it-up-your-nose contest, and tried a 50/50% water and Listorine solution, … and said that was, in short, a nose full of fail.

Supposedly in the homeopathic circles, raw honey has natural cough suppressant technology developed by hardworking bee scientists from deep within the hive.

If you can’t stand tea, and live in the US, try the Good Earth brands, which blend teas and complementary spices - and try to find something a bit manly tasting and not full of Lavender or Peach flavorings. Out of the hundred brands at HEB i swear there are only a few non-Green tea varieties that haven’t been effeminated with some “female marketing” flavoring. And good old Bigelow’s Earl Grey just really isn’t any good.


Bummer, man. The cold going around this year is pretty bad. Everyone I know gets sick and ends up with a sinus infection, ear infection, strep, bronchitis or, in my case, a badly infected boil near my scrotum. I’ve been to the doctor’s office 4 times in the last 10 days for that…

So, fluids, vitamin C and go to the doctor if you don’t seem to be improving.

That basically what a neti pot does. You’re supposed to use salt, baking soda, and warm water. I imagine mouthwash would tingle a bit.

So, my fears have been realized. I cannot trust Crispy Gamer’s Weekend Playlist. You made no mention of Rune Factory. I am crestfallen. Up is now down and vice versa.

Plain old peppermint candies are soothing for a sore throat. Also good at temporarily clearing out congested sinuses.

Oh! If you like the taste of ginger, get candied ginger or just chew on raw ginger. It’ll clear your throat and ear canals.

<insert bugs bunny cartoon where someone eats a bottle of hot sauce>

I tend not to use anything more drastic than Dequacaine lozenges. Well, I say not particularly drastic, but Dequacaine is the nuclear lozenge option. Forget the sore throat, you won’t be feeling your mouth for four hours after having one. I believe the active ingredients if you need a US version are dequalinium chloride (anti-septic to fight infection) and benzocaine (strong local anaesthetic).

Manuka honey and lemon in hot water is a good, soothing drink too. Manuka honey is probably available at whatever big chain herbalist is nearest. Tea generally doesn’t help in my experience, much as I am patriotically obligated to love the stuff. And man, do I love it.

Lolligagging about playing Rune Factory is probably as good as any other solution though!

2 words
Fisherman’s Friend

Might as well down a bottle of Tabasco.

The German slogan for FFs is “if they’re too strong, you’re too weak”. I’m definitely too weak for them :(

A great remedy I heard about recently: Slice of lemon, whole cloves (stick them in the lemon), a shot of whiskey, all in hot water. Surprisingly soothing.

I’ve had throat problems for a few days and my girlfriend made me take this really terrible Japanese stuff called せきどめ plus couple of kanji I don’t know that is like a red/yellow powder (big granules) you have to force to the back of your throat then swallow with water. It is physically painful to take but has actually done a pretty good job.

If Western medicine has come up with anything similar, give it a shot! Back home I just used to go to bed with a bottle of Scotch.

Sounds like Chili…

Swallow a spoonful of honey. Sometimes that helps me, and if not at least honey is good.

I think Tom still smokes, too. If he gargles with booze, he’ll have the traditional Newfie aroma about him. Then he can walk around complaining about the “Big Smoke.”

Another serious suggestion. Don’t worry, it’s made in civilized Singapore not China so it won’t kill you. It’s honey, menthol, and this flower thingy. Tastes yummy too.

pei pa kou
bottle is very distinctive and you should be able to find it in any Chinese store.