Sotu '13

Well, sure. Cap and trade, universal pre-school, raising the minimum wage, more tax increases, more spending on infrastructure, more gun control. I don’t think this speech was meant as a list of things we can do now. This was more of a list of things we can do if Democrats win back the House in 2014.

The bigger point to me is how Obama is suddenly comfortable openly proposing liberal policies. He’s not leaving agenda-setting to the Republicans. Most of those things above may be unlikely to get through this House, but the fact that he’s willing to propose them at all (and that they’re largely popular) in a State of the Union address is a pretty big deal.

Macro Rubio: I’m going to say the same exact things that didn’t win Romney the presidency, BUT… instead of being an unlikeable white guy, i’m an unlikeable Hispanic guy.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. And that goes for both parties. I still prefer Obama over the other choice.

If that had always been the case, we would never have had this. (It takes a while to get moving)

The question isn’t so much is it popular now, but how it going to be in 2020. That’s the big election, because if the Dems can win 2020, they pretty much get to reshape things for the next 20 years.

Starting to think it’s the 20 year elections: 1960,1980,2000 that really reshape things. I’m just a little concerned the gridlock will cause fatigue and that will be blamed on the Dems, because we’re going to have gridlock for the next 4 years at least, and probably 8. (I have a hard time seeing the Republicans with the Senate in 2016, 2014 possible, but not 2016)

Oh come on. The Rubio water thing was hilarious. It’s the way he did it. My wife is not into politics in the slightest, and she thought it was funny because, in her words, “He looked so strangely scared and furtive in going for that water.”

Maybe there was a Weeping Angel working the camera.

I’m sure he was scared. I’m sure he was thinking - this is my one chance to be Presidential and I have to lunge for some water. Why did I eat all those Saltines before going on air?!

Yep. Combined with indecision - do I take more time and go for the water slowly and make it look natural, or do I try to make a quick grab for it. Quick grab, that’s the way to go, keep eyes on the camera, damn, the water was further away than I thought. WHERE IS THE WATER? EYES ON THE CAMERA, DON’T LOOK AT THE WATER!

Big Tent!