South Carolina Democratic Primary Game Day Thread

POTUS had Trent Lott and Tom Daschel both on today, and it was kind of funny. They were basically, “yeah, we didn’t agree of stuff, but we at least talked to each other. We considered each other opponents, not enemies.”

That’s the big thing that’s changed.

Thing was, Obama wasn’t divisive, if anything he wasted most of his first term trying to bring the GOP in and got nothing accomplished. The only thing “divisive” about him was the color of his skin.

Hillary, will be divisive though. People tend to love her or hate her and the GOP has always hated her beyond any sort of reason.

4 or 8 years of stagnation with Clinton (and a few moderate-to-liberal supreme court appointments) is a fuckload better than 4 years of catastrophic regression in the hands of a republican president and both houses of congress.