I kind of did. I mean, I bought it, but not sure when I’ll play, even more so with Star Trucker releasing tomorrow… ;)
The game is about exploring systems, meeting new species, building up your ship, advancing the tech tree, and gradually advancing the story line. You don’t personally witness away missions, but you’ll occasionally have some choices to make for them which may risk your crew (return to base to heal them up should things go awry). Oh, and no voice acting, but the writing has some humor in it that I enjoyed, at least. There seem to be some choices to make, but I don’t know if they’re real or window dressing just yet.
Awesome, thanks. Sounds like the type of chill nighttime game that I enjoy dipping into as we get into fall and winter.
Yeah. The second game has a lot of new quality of life features that’ll definitely make it better than the first.
I wonder if they have avoided a bug that means you have to throw out your save after 20 hours this time. (happened to me in Nexus)
Can see why people like it though - I did put 20 hours in!
Ohhh I hope not. Does the dev know about it?
For anyone looking at Star Trucker, I recommend playing on an easier/custom difficulty than the normal/recommended one, unless you want most of your gaming time spent buying and changing out power cells, fuses and cabin air filters instead of driving the space truck and picking up jobs.
On one occasion the artificial gravity fuse had the bad taste to die on me just as I was arriving at a jump gate, so everything in the truck’s extended cab flew forward and blocked my view. Once I replaced the fuse I found that one storage crate was stuck open blocking my view of the left dashboard, and could neither be closed nor moved from the spot, so I had to go back to an earlier save and preemptively fix the problem before the jump.
There is no horizontal or vertical strafe either. Some people say, well, real life trucks don’t have side strafing, but to that I say, well, they’re not floating around in space either. They have terra firma under their tires, so at least vertical strafe should have been a thing. On a particular job I was deadly afraid they expected me to back the trailer into the bay that way, but no, thank goodness, that was not the case.
All that said, it’s a pleasant diversion but a bit too fiddly on the default difficulty, unless you live for that sort of thing. The whole American 1970s-80s trucker/truck stop art direction is fun, complete with a CB radio and “road signs” that look like those of the US Interstate Highway System.
*only 3 manual saves allowed (what is this, an N64 cartridge or something?), and only one auto-save which happens rarely, usually only on entry into a new system.
Ah already posted up thread, the Starminer mining trailer. My bad.