I was all for this thread, since the other thread is mostly for space strategy games anyway (the type of space games that are still alive after the great death of space sims). But then I read the original post, and Marrio wants to include space strategy games here too. Then what’s the point of having two space strategy threads? When someone makes a space sim-only thread, let me know. :)
Always two there is…a Master and an apprentice…
Why would you make someone play EVE? That’s just mean.
But I must! Honor demands it!
Dude, have you noticed that many of the games coming out are strategy games? We talk about space sims in there too, or did you miss the shit about Saint Nezare in there the other day? ;)
This is the thread to discuss the space thread? Cool, personally I think its sort of meh, and doesn’t live up to the hype.
Plus its buggy. No idea how it made its way out of QA.
;) and :) so I won’t get yelled at :p
For a redundant thread, this is sure seeing a lot of action! Kind of feel bad for Marrio though. The guy was just trying to start a discussion.
I figure he did a damn good job.
You are right!
This thread has a lot in common with space - they’re both vacuums :0
Uh, if space sims are dead, then what you do expect Brian’s thread to be about mostly? And you’re want a thread for what you call a dead genre? That said, there is discussion about sims in Brian’s thread when there are sims to talk about.
Yeah I hope we didn’t scare you off Marrio. We weren’t mocking you, we were just having fun with the idea of two competing Space threads.
We ARE mocking Brian Rubin though ;)
And I love you guys all the more for it.