Does it matter that I’ve never heard of the developer?
Edit: oh, they did Undead Rising for the iOS. Ok, back to being excited.
Does it matter that I’ve never heard of the developer?
Edit: oh, they did Undead Rising for the iOS. Ok, back to being excited.
I hear they are only releasing a limited 1st run of the digital version of this game. They will be selling the 2nd run digital copies for $350. Pre-ordering now will secure the $120 price.
I don’t even know what you are parodying?
Awesome! Definitely looking forward to this. I hope they do a good job. I could see it ending up rather flat and dull if all they do is a straight boardgame representation.
Have you priced the Space Hulk boardgame lately?
Speaking of prices I actually just sold my copy of Space Hulk 3rd ed. I payed $100, played it three times, and sold it for $375. I had punched the map tiles but not the minis themselves (used generic space marines and stealers).
So I’m looking forward to this. I owned the original edition and played the hell out of it with my father. Unfortunately nowadays my friends would rather play MtG so my 3rd ed. copy just sat there on the shelf.
Oh, uh, no? I actually have the recent release of it, I got a few years back. It’s the third edition, according to the image I googled just now. Is there a new more expensive version, or is this the crazy expensive one that I got lucky in buying when it first came out?
OK, you can’t just leave this unexplained. Accident? In which you lost a board game?
They tend to print in small quantities, and therefore bought up quickly. Your version is, I believe, the most recent version but even it’s priced to hell and back. Just checking Thoughthammer now, it’s going for $199. Ebay bidding just goes up from there.
Many of the GW games are hard to come by. Games like Talisman and Space Hulk, have been known to sell for crazy amounts. So, yes, you were fortunate.
I actually tried and failed to find a copy of Space Hulk not long after it came out. Very pleased to hear this will be coming to iOS.
Fantastic news. A perfect fit for iOS.
God. Versus AND co-op. Too brilliant.
GDC gameplay footage. The Gamespot interviewer is very annoying, and the guy doing the demo makes some terrible tactical decisions, but it’s Space Hulk.
Also, not being able to embed rather than link makes me sad.
Steam just woke me up out of my slumber; I thought it was going to be an iOS only deal, but it seems I was wrong. Since it supports cross platform play, I guess I am buying it twice. On the one hand, VERY EXCITED. On the other hand, god dammit! This brings the count to FOUR games I consider must buys smack in the middle of August. God I hate this hobby for its child focused release schedules.
I love being able to take my turns in Hero Academy on either my iphone or through steam, so that sounds great to me!
My GOD is that Gamespot reporter annoying. Who ever thought it was a good idea to have him/her do interviews?
Steam version? Hooray! Can’t wait for this.
I wonder if the Windows version will support touch input? I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t seeing as how this is also an iOS game. If it does support touch then it probably deserves a mention in the “Serious touchscreen games” thread.
I’m almost ready to pre-order this, but I have a concern. This whole “action camera” thing has never sit well with me in any game, including XCOM:EU, and it’s the first thing I ever disable in games like this. I just much prefer to watch the action unfold from the isometric view the rest of the game takes place in, I guess. In any case, does anyone know (or read somewhere, the game doesn’t seem to have official forums) if it’s possible to disable the action camera? Especially since several times in that GDC video the “action camera” was just pointing at the face of the marine shooting, which is an odd angle to be watching action from.
Imperial citizens who do not desire the action camera should report promptly to their nearest Adeptus Mechanicus facility for Servitor conversion. Or so I’ve heard…