Speaking the unspoken truth about gender inequality in videogames

Title Speaking the unspoken truth about gender inequality in videogames
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Features
When November 27, 2013

Gender discrimination in videogames has to stop. In the nearly two decades I've spent covering the industry, 2013 was one of the most egregious years I can remember in terms of how women were portrayed in videogames..

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awesome. for those who don't know, the melodrama referenced is here: http://www.rockpapershotgun.co...

So, broadly, because some progress has been made on the issue at hand, calling out those that choose to ignore this progress is shrill? Bruh, I am lost.

And yet: http://www.feministfrequency.c...

I don't think Nathan is saying that games haven't improved, so much as Blizzard is failing to and that the gaming community as a whole maintains a hatred for women . Tom, is your argument that many games have strong female characters this year, so it's not reasonable to point out oversexualized representations of women as harmful?

"Nothing is simple. Nothing is black and white."
How about a dead panda?

then there's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R...

Tell it, Brother! :P

Are you suggesting that my link to a video series discussing the numerous tropes in videogames that marginalize and infantalize women is ... what? Some kind of nonsequitur to Tom's post that engages on that very topic? I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I see what you're saying here, Tom. And you're right on that several prominent, critically acclaimed games of the last few years have featured admirable, mold-breaking female characters. And as one of those critics acclaiming those games, you're in prime position to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

But your tone here is a little too subtle. Rather than a clever meta-point scored against the games media in general, I'm afraid this will be taken as a mere polemic against the feminist movement in video games, and just another thing to add to the pile of "we hate Anita Sarkeesian" dross. And you are better than that.

In short, yes

You Bastard! I just watched a nature documentary about them. Now you're making me laugh after 1 hour of cathartic pity for these creatures. But seriously, I'm glad this is the year, that big name titles (despite their flawed gameplay) can at least have a crack at telling a well rounded female character. I'm glad, thanks to tom as well.

He's not actually better than that, and that's exactly what this is - a mere polemic.

it's the "simple" that makes me laugh. I guess dead pandas WOULD be simple

Not you too!

Man, nobody likes pandas. They stopped trying to reproduce. I say let 'em die off.

Based on what I know of Tom, I would be (pleasantly) surprised to discover that the above blog is meant to be pro-solution or pro-feminism in any way whatsoever.

Instead of burying us in rhetorical questions, why not just say exactly what you mean?

Where is the fun in only being direct?

Tom, I think you were right when you said this a complex issue.

I am not sure this article isn't a simplification in itself; and I am damn sure that answering monotonal criticism with monotonal criticism is not the best idea.

Maybe it is a better idea to get together with some people with a different view and try and get a balanced article that shows the complexity and challenge of this issue? I would personally really like to see something like that attempted rather than more (in my view) bewildering partisanship.