Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions: Spidey goes to the 1930s

His mask would need a special mustache-port.

Where does that confirm 2099?

All right, I’m outing myself as completely ignorant of Spiderman lore, but none of those pictures in the Destructoid link look like Spiderman. What the hey?

The model on the far right appears to be a Spider-man 2099 model with a Captain Universe skin.

Oh, I didn’t realize 2099 had distinct model characteristics. I can vaguely remember what he looked like, but not enough to catch that.

Its the objects on his fore arm that give it away. No other version of Spidey has them.

They are Captain Universe, the hero who could be YOU!.. but probably just another Marvel super hero.


Before Claremont ran Exiles into the ground they had a lot of issues that dealt with 2099 Spidey, they had a lot of good ideas for the 2099 universe that just never went anywhere.

I’m wondering how they would treat Zombie Spider-Man. In the Zombie universe all of the humans are dead and there’s a fairly small number of Zombie superheroes running around. Moreover, Zombie Spider-Man is wracked by hunger constantly, preventing him from thinking clearly enough to pursue anything but food except for times directly after eating. I’m wondering how that would work in a game about saving the universe.

They should use Pete Ross, the Spider-Boy!

Edit: None of those models look like her, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t use Spider-Girl.

With Zombie Spider-man, they could always have him infected but not giving into the hunger. One of the Marvel Zombie minis have him doing just that.

Spider Girl would be cool but I doubt they would use her right away. Gotta save something for Shattered Dimensions 2.

Ah, now Zombie Spiderman I am familiar with. I would pretty much definitely pick up this game if he’s in there.

Did someone post a trailer yet? There’s a trailer. The noir version actually looks pretty cool. I think the biggest hurdle this game faces is the fact that Batman: Arkham Asylum has set the bar pretty high. Apparently each world will have it’s own “core mechanic” – Amazing Spider-Man is web combat, Spider-Man Noir is stealth.

No Spider-Ham model :(

So Noir Spider-man is basically the Batmanizing of Spider-man. I don’t think I much like that, since Spidey is about keeping it light even while faced with impossible odds. I never read any comics with Noir Spider-man, but it just seems like there are enough dark, troubled, gravelly throated superheroes around, and turning Spidey into one of them kind of throws out one of the traits that makes Spider-man Spider-man.

But Kraven and Hammerhead-- woot!

Yeah, Noir* Spider-man is kind of like garlic-encrusted strawberries – two great tastes that don’t necessarily go together. Still, if anyone can do something with it, Slott can.

*Somebody should also tell Marvel that “Noir” is a forties concept. It didn’t exist in the thirties. What they had in the thirties was hard-boiled – tough mugs cracking wise and cracking heads. Which fits Spider-man way better than stealth and moody lighting.

QFT. In fact, my only issue with Arkham Asylum was how “edgy and dark” it is. I don’t want my Batman campy, but I don’t want him in a NIN video, either.

Arkham Asylum pretty much nailed the real comic’s mood and setting though.

Spider Man Noir sounds good to me, even if it’s not classic spiderman. I’d go for Hard Boiled Spider Man too.

The 4th Spider-man is going to be shown tomorrow but its seems likely that it isn’t Zombie Spiderman but a verson of Venom where Parker never rejected the symbiote. I’m disppointed. I’m rather burned out on symbiotes after Web of Shadows but I guess they can’t have a Spider-man game without Venom.