Spit-balling compromise ideas in today's political climate

This is called arguing with yourself and it won’t work with McConnell since he would obviously prefer to do nothing.

You offer this and he will reject it out of hand and now your starting point is a $7 trillion tax cut for the rich.

Well, that wouldn’t be the starting offer. Obviously the start is just the 7.3t infrastructure plan. You only add the tax cuts for the rich a little at a time during negotiation, in the form of an extension of the Trump tax cuts for an extra year, for instance.

Eventually you’ll reach the point where the whole bill is just the tax cut. Then Mitch will say ‘no’ anyway and blame you for the failure.

There’s got to be something he wants in return for not killing the hostage. His only goal can’t just be to kill the hostage, otherwise there’s no hope.

Let’s just hope that he remembers how government is supposed to work once he’s back to negotiating with a fellow whitey.

Why settle for 7.3t in tax cuts when you can cut all taxes by destroying the government completely?

Absent control of the Senate by more than a couple of votes (to offset the Joe Manchins in the Dem caucus) there is actually very little hope of meaningful legislation. I’m not saying that there is nothing McConnell will pass, but there is actually nothing on the left’s agenda he is willing to bring up for a vote. He might actually go for a Covid stimulus, but only if it was largely made up of things like tax cuts for high incomes and capital gains, money for ‘small businesses’ with loose enough definition that it can be gobbled up by large businesses, elimination of employer liability for Covid contagion, and a further payroll tax holiday to kick social security and Medicare into budget crisis. If we are willing to do that, then maybe a deal can be made; but otherwise he will bring nothing up for a vote that helps the left or gives Biden any achievement he can run on next time. He will see his goal, again, as making Biden a one term president by electing a Republican in 2024.

This is why you take executive action, be willing to skirt the law, and tell the Supreme Court and Mitch that if they don’t like it, they can impeach.

We need a President who is willing to do stuff like that if it’s popular enough.

Exactly this.

Media headlines:
Democrats refuse to compromise with Republicans, McConnell for Covid Relief Bill.

You’re not wrong, but that’s the sort of thing that normalizes executive action from the other side, on and on, turning stuff that used to be unthinkable into just how stuff works and eventually you change the name of the country from Republic to Empire.

A growing part of the population sees that as inevitable, and history shows the system we created ends up this way, usually sooner rather than later.

Better to have a fighting chance then play by the rules and get stomped.

I remember the Bush tax cuts for the rich became permanent under Obama. But I forgot what he got in return. I think in return they agreed to increase the debt ceiling so that the U.S wouldn’t default?

I think they’ll be looking for a similar deal under Biden for the Trump tax cuts on the rich. How do you prevent that from happening? They’ve got a find at least a way to pretend that they don’t care about the fiscal cliff either. At least put it out in the media that if congress doesn’t increase the debt ceiling that they don’t care.

I thought Biden was going to do away with Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy?

Without the Senate? How?

Just more of Democrats not keeping their promises < shakes head sadly >

The awesome part (/sarcasm) is that the tax cuts for the not-so-wealthy expire soon without any votes needed. Good times.

And the inevitable “Damn Demonrats raised mah taxes!” hue and cry.

So the solution is to tell the Republicans in the Senate that we will allow them to extend the low-income tax cuts in exchange for repealing the high-income tax cuts. They will refuse, and then you can point and blame the Republicans for raising the low-income taxes!

Except for the part where swing voters only see that their taxes went up while Biden was President