Split - M. Night Shyamalan, James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy

Warning. You may hate yourself for watching it.

M Night made some real stinkers but Glass is only film of his that I truly hate.

Have you explained why you hate Split so much?

Just curious.


“One of your arguments is a dog?”

It is frankly a spit in the face to the audience, being both disrespectful to the characters (if you have seen the film you will know what I mean) AND breaking the rules of that world in order to do so. I hate this film in the same way Star Wars fans hate midicholorians.

Okay, but how so? I was pretty impressed with Split as a bit of world-building on the Unbreakable concept. It was a surprise to me, and I was impressed that he was laying a foundation for his own private Idaho. Given that everything seems to be A Universe these days.

I can understand people not liking Glass. But I’m truly curious about what about Split is a spit in the face of the fans.


“You might be pregnant now. Am I a good kisser?”

I was referring to Glass. I just mis-typed. Sorry.

Oh. No worries Granath!


“They’re crepuscular. RIght?”

It’s okay. It suffered from a bad premise for the plot of it and just continues to wriggle around in that same setting until you tire of it. McAvoy plays his role pretty well, again. Some of the other actors, cough Bruce Willis cough, phoned it in a little. You start to spot the ending earlier than you think and then you’re left with a long play out just to see it. I liked it better than some of the over CGI’d lower tiers of comic movies, but I felt it could have been better. It was okay for a rental.