SpyParty - You've done it, Checker. I want to play this game

It’s been a while since I’ve updated folks in this thread, but I figure Kieron’s RPS post was a good enough reason, keepin’ it family and all:

Let’s see, the other thing people might be interested in is I did a bit of “competitive analysis” (sounds very grown up) while I was at E3 and wrote about it:

I talk about Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Guilty Party, The Agency, and a few others.


(I’m actually going to playtest drop-in/drop-out without notifying the existing players for maximal hilarity)

This would be the best game mode in history.

I was about to bump with the RPS article, very interesting read and what is shaping up to be a great game.

Thanks! Yeah, I’m not sure how often it’s appropriate for me to bump the thread, so I’m erring on the conservative side. Anybody else, feel free to bump daily! :)

We had a good playtest tonight. I added some code that changed the way conversations flow, and how characters act when they’re interrupted by another character starting to talk, and the players didn’t notice, which is a good outcome for something like this. People seem to naturally adjust to NPC changes, which is a good sign.

Yeah, I’m thinking it will either be that, or a complete and utter disaster. Hopefully which one it actually is will come out in playtest, and not after I ship!


I was such an addict for The Ship, and SpyParty looks even better. I’m a sucker for these social experiments that blend game play and psychology together. Can’t wait for further updates, checker! There’s definitely something special about this brand of gaming.

The unfortunate thing about The Ship was that it required a lot of people playing at the same time. Rarely did I find servers that were fully populated, and more often than not there’d be a ton of AI opponents around. SpyParty seems to fix this quite elegantly.

Yeah, I wish more people explored this space, it’s lonely out here. The code I wrote today was about characters getting pissed if they were interrupted, and leaving the conversation, and you can count the number of games that have done stuff like that on one hand (if you don’t use fingers for all the Sims expansion packs :).

The unfortunate thing about The Ship was that it required a lot of people playing at the same time. Rarely did I find servers that were fully populated, and more often than not there’d be a ton of AI opponents around. SpyParty seems to fix this quite elegantly.

Yeah, I’m also starting to think about what the single player experience is going to be, and if there’s something more there than just a tutorial and practice mode. I have a hunch there is, but have nothing concrete yet.


People still play the ship. Join a ship steamgroup… I forget which one, Copet got me to try it… they meet up for a game pretty often.

I think you’re referring to this one?

doh, yes, it was already mentioned in this thread, too. My fault for posting from a smartphone.

This game is looking more and more interesting to me every time I check this thread. I still need to get back into the Ship. Had a blast on that one and I never really played with a group of people over a couple.


I still need to get back into the Ship. Had a blast on that one and I never really played with a group of people over a couple.

Yeah, I also haven’t played The Ship “as it’s supposed to be played”. I joined that Steam group a while back, but haven’t played much since I picked up the game (I’m dying to know if it was the SpyParty thread on reddit which renewed the interest in The Ship; it’s a bunch of the people who posted in that thread that started the steam group shortly after, I think :).

Similarly (in the video-game-versions-of-Assassin vein), I’m really interested to see what happens with AC: Brotherhood in the wild. As I say in the post I linked above, I think they have a bunch of mechanics that are working against subtlety in the game itself, but I wonder what’s going to happen when the hoard of kids on Live get ahold of it.


I started a thread in BCTVM asking for help picking good music for the gameplay prototype:


This is why I haven’t been reading as much qt3 lately as my doctor ordered:

Come to PAX, say ‘hi’, and play Monaco and SpyParty!

Okay, back to crunching! I still need to go check that music thread for good ideas. Need more hours in the day…


Sweet. I’ll see you there.

Cool! Introduce yourself! (referencing qt3, not just “Hi, I’m Telefrog.” Although I’ll probably be so fried at the show that it would make perfect sense to me. :)


Hi, I’m Telefrog from Qt3!





I’ll stop by and say hello. I’ll try and remember to wear my Qt3 polo shirt when I’m not doing Enforcer stuff.

  • Alan

The flaw with this joke is that it assumes I’ll have a voice left when you stop by.

I’m actually going to print up a one-sheet about how to play SpyParty so I don’t have to repeat myself. The downside to the Blizzard Depth-First, Accessibility Later methodology is that your damned game is impossible to play for newbies. sigh.

Awesome Alan, see you there!


PS. Google Chrome claims you misspelled OhhimynameischrisheckerhereismygameSpyPartywhichIthinkyoullagreejufrullipfroozlebzzz

I’m willing to bet these two “words” were more difficult to type than you originally thought. Consciously avoiding spaces while typing isn’t easy!

some great coverage of the action at the PAX booth: http://spyparty.com/
Congrats checker, sounds like it was worth going to PAX?