Squad - Midway Between Battlefield and ARMA

Squad is equivalent to Battlefield 2 in approximate scope and size. 50v50, fairly largish maps. But there are no gunships or jets. There are also none of the action game tropes, such as kill score (+100) or kill cams. It’s by the guys who did the Project Reality mode for BF2. It’s built around teamwork. There is in-game voice system with three different channels. A mic is absolutely required to enjoy this game, and to prevent people from kicking you. It’s very accessible, though. If you can play Battlefield, you can play Squad really quickly.

Arma is much larger, but much more technical. I like to say that Arma is sorta of like an infantry flight simulator. There a are a gazillion different controls and systems to memorize. I’ve tried picking up Arma thee or four times, and have had to relearn the controls each time. You also need a ton of mods, and what mods varies by server to server.

I downloaded this and tried a few rounds. Every single server seems to be filled right now haha, and i keep getting squads with 0 comms but when you do get a good SL its pretty crazy. do you have any server suggestions for when squad ops is full?

There seem to be A LOT of people using discord instead of the in game comms. Which is super annoying as the comms system in the game is perfectly fine. So that may be why nobody was talking in the squad.

I keep thinking the title of this thread is:

Squad - The Best, Most Accessible Multiplayer Muslim

To be fair, the game has Muslims in it. For some it’s a Muslim Milsim.

There are Muslims who play it.

Tonight’s SquadOps One-Life event. Starting soon.

Small 1.1 update. Should help, especially on those servers with 100-player queues because Shroud is in them.

  • Added a fix to address a crash that was occurring when the map was switching at the end of a round.
  • Added a new option for server admins: server queue limit to prevent very high queues that may have been causing server performance issues. [thanks for the assist in testing this shroud ] Note: setting PublicQueueLimit will currently prevent public(non-reserved) users to be unable to join when set to 0.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing server crashes related to the Steam Inventory.
  • Fixed a command that would allow Squad Leaders to deploy infinite Rally Points and remove the need to resupply.
  • Fixed a spawn issue with HAB’s that was preventing players from spawning in certain circumstances.

Updated roadmap

Is that just an editor?

No idea. Weird. Didn’t notice that.

How did this not get posted?

Squad continues to develop and evolve, but the red hotness is actually the new Middle Eastern Escalation mod. It adds, as the kids say, a lot of Gucci gear and other things.

Do you play regularly? Once the initial fervor of 2042 and Vanguard subside, I would probably enjoy playing this a bit. I’m handy with a rifle these days. :)

I play a lot of SquadOps one-life events.

But I played some MEE tonight and it’s really good. Still rough around the edges and needs balancing, but it’s a more intense infantry experience.

I wish I had the time to invest in this game. It’s easily the most immersive online shooter around, but it’s not easy to pickup and play after long breaks.

The best thing to do is find a good newb friendly server, embed yourself in a good squad, and stick with the squad. It takes a bit to get use to the firefight mechanics, especially on acquiring targets.

But when it clicks, you get stuff like this (one-life event)

The huge and long-awaited 2.12 update is finally here. This patch is massive. It does a complete overhaul of the lighting and shadowing system, and that’s just the starter.

Marines and China (Pan Asia) dropping soon
