Stadia - Google's vision for the future of gaming

They’re saying 10.7 Tflops per instance. I’d like to know more about the underlying hardware.

Doom Eternal at the highest levels only possible on Stadia! Impossible without Google’s flops!

Sweet! And what will we be paying for this miraculous service?

The final bits of your gaming soul as you succumb to complete GaaS domination.

Assuming the latency and picture quality are good enough, I can’t envision this not being the future of gaming. Which kinda makes me sad.

wut- Dylan from Q games!

Wow - last person I expected to see on a Google presentation. I always associated him with Sony.

That state share thing could be very good if it works.

Though at the same time, I wouldn’t mind moving my Steam collection to the cloud, if that was a thing – having a VM where I install the games to, and then streaming from there. That’s a service Steam could offer at a fixed price per month.

“The most connected gamer experience ever!”

I remember when this would’ve been a negative.

For a lot of people it still is one.

“literally endless”
No. Stop.

“His work”

Are they going to keep pricing parity with consoles/PCs and not charge a subscription to access their servers? I could see it working then, but I don’t know how it would make money in that case. Streaming will always carry more overhead than digital distribution and thus will always be at a price disadvantage.

“The internet becomes your store!”

Shots fired at Epic.

The distributed store is genuinely a good idea though.

Jade Raymond on stage. The sound you just heard is a million GG and Incels firing up their Photoshops.

So streaming huh. I’ll tuck this away in the same category as Project Fi. Where it relies on ISPs and third parties actually caring enough to give you good speed. Project Fi is 3G in my residential area.

This streaming stuff just relies on infrastructure that doesn’t’ fully exist everywhere, a process even they mostly gave up on.

Why did they bring her out if she had nothing to say?

For the GG’s and Incels (I have no idea what that is, Telefrog’s context made me afraid to Google those terms)

tbf if anyone can pull it off then Google can. I am still blown away with the job they did on my google wifi mesh things and the AssCreed stuff allegedly works great.