Stadia - Google's vision for the future of gaming

So it’s OnLive?

No, you didn’t have to port your game to linux for OnLive.

Actually, the only interesting innovation with Stadia is using wifi controllers that connect directly to servers rather than being mediated by the client device. I wonder what that could mean for audio output from the controller, if that’s supported…

I guess. See, my device would be connected via ethernet, while the controller is obviously wireless, so…

This is not going to work without the infrastructure to support it. 4K streaming with 8K coming later? How long does that take to smash through my 1TB data cap?

At 4K 60fps? Not long. If you stream a game, I didn’t watch the presentation, is there a physical device that can store a “buffer” of the game or is it going to effectively have to re-download data each time you launch the game? I can’t help but think this won’t be viable for people with data caps, like Mediacom customers.

Game streaming isn’t downloading data. It’s simply sending a video stream. The data lives 100% in the cloud and is never touched by the local device.

Data caps :D :D :D :D

You Americans and your curious folklore!

Not sure what storage they can do that would help tbh. Yeah this thing is gonna be a bandwidth eater unless they have something cool up their sleeve.

Yeah, there is nothing buffered. It all has to be realtime, because the visuals, sound, and AI need to react to your actions.

I want my 2 minutes back from watching that announcement video.

I should’ve jumped straight to the comments like any wise Internet user.

Count yourself lucky, I sat through the livestream. Which was as empty of content and cringeworthy as the worst e3 press conferences.

Do you watch the same E3 briefings I do? Ravidrums on Wii? Every Kinect “live” demo? Jamie Kennedy at Activision’s 2007 show?

They’re all weak and boring. At least this one has some interesting tech behind it.

Each one has their own flavour of awful :) Google’s was the smug patronizing parade of empty suits talking about “magic” instead of games. As someone who has been worse on stage at E3 I accept I am part of the problem, but still, I wanted to throw an egg at them or at least boo :)

All I know is that if you can’t even hold the attention of gamers during the presentation of your gaming product, you fucked the fuck right the fuck right up.

Problem is they’re selling a service, not a game. Google needs to ship a AAA+ title exclusive to their service.

Yeah we are not a tough audience. Show us some bullshots drop a few gravelly narrator voices in and we are enthralled. Nerds on parade aint gonna cut it.

High five!

I will take Ubisoft’s weird-ass presentation experiments over EA’s supervillain PowerPoint.

High five! Ubisoft at least is weird. In the world of entertainment I will take that :)