Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

The thing is that these guys have misled themselves into thinking that I’m doing this Star Citizen thing because of jealousy, hate, hypocrisy and all that nonsense. That’s clear evidence that they know nothing about me. This despite the fact that I have been pretty consistently stated that I’m doing it because 1) they started war with the one person who never saw a hill he wasn’t planning on dying on 2) I have zero altruistic reasons as that would imply that I give a shit about them or how they spend their money.

Earlier today in a recent YT video, one of tribe posted that I was doing this because I was jealous of Chris, that I had sued him, lost, and that it was settled in his favor. This was my response.

The fact that the fiasco with the game has adversely affected the space combat sim genre in some regard, isn’t lost on me either. I mean, earlier this year Frontier disclosed that Elite Dangerous had sold only 3m base units from its launch date of Dec 2014. And unlike Star Citizen, and aside from being a more superior product, is also multi-platform. Plus it’s original £8m budget increased a bit from the initial estimate. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, No Man’s Sky et al, are all low budget (in comparison to Star Citizen) games which are highly unlikely to generate even 25% of the Star Citizen haul in their lifetimes.

There’s a lot to unwrap here, but it’s pointless. When I report and/or write on this train wreck, I don’t pick stuff out of my ass in an attempt to throw shade. It’s not even my style - and those who have followed me through the decades know this about me. I have the uncanny ability to separate work from play because I never put any attention in a popularity contest. And it’s because, long before I was an engineer and dev, I was a gamer. I didn’t lose, nor give up my gamer cred just because I became a dev. Regardless, for some reason, there are those who have the opinion that I shouldn’t be opining on a game (even if it’s in a competing genre) because I am a dev. I mean, seriously? Who the came up with those rules?

For decades some have laughed at my games; but I kept on making them for those who bought them for what they are, not what they hoped they would be. It’s why I keep making games. If I wasn’t making a decent enough living, like so many before me I would’ve quit a long time ago to go work for someone else.

One thing I do know is that I don’t need to be a cook to know if the food tastes like dog shit. Similarly when I opine on technical things, it’s not because I’m talking out of my ass. It’s because I know what I’m talking about, as I have amassed extensive knowledge and experience in my field. It’s why I took one look at the Star Citizen game in Summer 2015 - after they increased the original 2012 scope beyond what most of us backed - and determined that there was no way in hell that Chris was going to make that game. In fact, what’s lost in translation is that when guys I know who were working on it reached out to me, I pinged Chris to ask wtf was going on. He ghosted me. I published the blog anyway. Then it all went to shit immediately after.

I’m not sorry that my writings about this obvious scam ruffle feathers; but these are just my opinions based on the facts as I see them. Proving me wrong (good luck with that) - about anything - is welcome because I am always open to reasonable discussions. But attacking me over opinions or because your feelz are hurt isn’t going to do anything to me other than strengthen my resolve.

Moving on…