Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Honestly, I always thought it was likely just vaporware until I started watching some of the videos that Derek posted. I know his intention was to point out bugs, but all I saw was this amazingly beautiful game where you fly through space and land on planets, with an insane amount of details (and some bugs). So it was actually Derek’s videos that made me think maybe it’s not vaporware, since they already have so much to show, even if it is buggy. It’s much, much more than just jpegs of ships.

But I’ve started to come around to your point of view now, recently, thanks in large part to this post:

That and Lantz’s posts above kind of point to the scope changes, and it makes me look at the bugs in the videos above in a new light. That it really is a hollow shell, and that it will never be finished.

Honestly though, just judging from what’s already there, what they really need is a good Producer who can limit their scope and buckle down and put out a product. They have a lot of great assets there, clearly, they just need to finish putting the actual game together.