Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Yeah, i feel ya man. I was hoping for basically the same thing, and yeah, no idea what we’re ultimately getting, if anything.

Direct link to video.
Makes me wonder what Spectrum paid him to do it.
Or does CIG pay them?
Or is it some sort of trade?
How does this work?

I dunno. But I think Derek Smart is on Comcast payroll.

LOL!!! Yeah, he did that B roll like months back. We were laughing so hard back then.

Been quiet for a few days, how’s Evocati shaping up?

@dsmart was cautiously optimistic after playing it

I’m kidding, he says it is all a giant disaster zone. The testers are actually under NDA so it’s not exactly clear what the consensus is among the faithful, but I imagine that they will delay the release into the next stage until after their big convention/ship sale at the end of the month.

LOL!! I was just about to post that, but you beat me to it :)

Seriously, it’s absolutely horrid. Completely.

And yeah, the Evocati NDA is amazing.

Asking here will only net you a reply from Derek telling you it’s an unmitigated disaster, everybody hates it and Roberts will be bankrupt next month. Oh, and JPGs.

Yeah, pretty much. :)

haha i actually watched a bit of one of these CIG clips, epic… “We’ll see you… Around the verse!” some slob in a corona t-shirt blabbing about cake, “of course cake needs icing for flavor”… WTF

I moved my article into a blog, and cleaned it up a bit. Also added new info in the “flight dynamics” Evocati section & other places. You should read that part. It’s hilarious.

BREAKING! Confirmed. NO REFUNDS policy now in place for Star Citizen. Not sure when it will be across the board. We knew this was coming.

Some of these are now up on refunds Reddit, along with a helpful thread on legal recourse.

Hey Derek, for someone who’s unaware of all the SC developments you’ve been covering, where would you recommend they start? Asking for a friend who refuses to believe that any of this stuff could be true.

That one is very easy. Have them start here. Tell them to say goodbye to their loved ones first.

Star Citizen Evocati Turmoil

The arrogance of defeat @ 41:08

…it’s been just over five years since we first announced Star Citizen at GDC in Austin on Oct 10th, which was two days ago. And it’s incredible to think how far we’ve come in such a short amount of time, and only been possible because you’ve supported us along the way

Oh my god! I clicked on your link Derek and…

I never knew he was British! (That’s the first time I’ve heard him speak). All this time I thought he was a typical Austin-esque guy!

It’s like they’re intentionally trolling their own community :)

Shockingly, in the latest newsletter Chris has declared that the December anniversary stream will showcase Squadron 42. Which means it’s not releasing in 2017. I called this one back in May. Now that it has no release date showing on the website, safe to say that it will either be canceled, or will be part of the early access change that Star Citizen is about to enter. Which means they don’t have to deliver it or Star Citizen. Ever.

Note that no public dev schedule exists for SQ42, and it hasn’t been seen since Q4/2015. This early announcement is about cash flow. They are aware that 3.0 is a complete disaster thus far, and CitizenCon is only 2 weeks away. They have nothing left to hype.

You can’t make this shit up even if you tried.

Get a refund, fool!

Maybe SQ42 will release in December 2017. It could be like a Christmas Miracle. :)