Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Offline. Zero gameplay. Basically an E3 type presentation of glitz. #notagame

Jeez, be realistic. They’ve only had six years and $200 million to work with. That’s pretty impressive for those tight constraints!

Be sure to read the comments.

I’m a late backer, starting just a few weeks ago. I am in middle school and have not spent my money until now because before now I didn’t have money. Sure, me and my group of friends won’t be spending 500$, but we will still have fun playing it as it comes out, and we might leave it for a while, and come back later. And who cares? If it makes you happy, do it, because time on this planet is pretty limited, and it can whiz by quick. Before you or me knows it, we will be working full time jobs and have almost no free time.


I can relate to that poster.

Some of the things I miss the most about SWG are being able to:

  • walk around on my ship while it’s in flight (or at least in space)
  • craft things that people want (while doing the above)
  • sell those things to people, either in a permanent shop on a planet, or by landing and dropping the ramp for people to board & buy.

That last part (selling from the ship after landing) I could not do in SWG. The rest I could.

I don’t think there’s any game that would let me do that today. I’m not sure this one will be, either. I have a 4 year old account at RSI, and I have not given them a dime. Yet.

You could always return to SWG!

Say I was someone nefarious and I wanted to launder money. Could I say buy virtual spaceships in a ahem game with my dirty currency and then ask for a refund in clean cash from the developer a couple of months later?

Asking for a friend.

Yes. That’s basically what the Grey market is about. I wrote a whole blog about it actually.

Why bother though? If you want to launder money, buy bitcoin.

This gives a good overview of what 3.0 is like right now:

Sounds hilarious at times, tragic at others, but also far from ready for wide scale testing within the next month. I wouldn’t (didn’t) expect much before January.

It will be difficult to launder money once the washing machine is broke.

And that applies to both Star Citizen’s grey market and Bitcoin. ;)

Wow. That sounds like a pre-alpha. If I was a developer there I’d be leery of giving it to QA in that state, let alone users.

Makes me wonder if the Amazon Lumberyard team is thrashing as much as SC, many of these things sound like engine problems.

Some dude posted an hour long video of him playing in the PTU, along with the machine specs he playing on.

Yep. I posted that video yesterday, which prompted the response #notagame: Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I am certain the fact that it preceded a 7 day sale, had nothing to do with the decision to release it in this state.

That’s bollocks - and you know it. You also know better.

He wasn’t “playing” anything. Running around an empty server, at sub-par FPS without doing ANYTHING meaningful, isn’t “playing”. And certainly not in an MMO.

Get a grip.

Star Citizen aside, that sounds exactly like most MMOs.

Yeah, a lot of the SC videos remind me of walking the many cities in WOW, huge scale, nice to look at, extremely empty.