Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I heartily concede the point.

Sorry, I don’t really read this thread anymore. I just saw the video and the thought it cool.

I don’t blame you. I also took it off my watched list a while ago.

I finally got around to watching this, and I agree that it does look cool. I kept reaching for my joystick, wanting to take control of the ship myself. And then I wondered, “What if I could take control? What would I be capable of doing?” I’m afraid I haven’t been keeping up on the capabilities of the engine they’re working with.

As someone who was a huge fan of Microsoft Space Simulator back in the day, I’m wondering if I should maybe grab this just based on what I saw there. I would enjoy simply flying around, travelling to different worlds and exploring them, even if the universe they’ve got only has a limited number of worlds in it so far. Playing it alone wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

Again, me being ignorant on the engine aspect, what have they got so far?
An actual universe that you can travel through, populated by a limited number of planets and/or moons?

Or is it not an actual universe, but rather a series of large “bubbles” with planets and/or moons inside those bubbles, where the only way to travel to a different planet would be to “jump” from one bubble to the next?

Of course, I’d prefer the former to the latter, but the latter might be acceptable to me, provided I can suspend my disbelief.

I’m just wondering if I bought it, approaching it for the moment as a single player explorable space simulator, what would I find?

Because it looked pretty fun to me from what I saw, just flying from planet to planet and sightseeing. Not to mention beautiful. Plus it appears that they’ve even managed seamless transitions from space, to burning through the atmosphere, to planetary landing.

For the love of all that is holy, at least wait until 3.0 hits more wide GA so you can accurately judge the state based on actual release, rather than (what I suspect amounts to) a marketing vid - seriously, nothing else that has leaked of 3.0 to date is anywhere near a smooth or bug free as that, as I mentioned, they have barely had a stage demo run that well.

Even if it does run relatively more smoothly and bug free as a single player only experience, there is no where near enough there right now to get what you want out of it and with their current rate of production, it will be a long time to come before it is sufficiently populated with content, yet alone game mechanics.

@BrianRubin could suggest probably a dozen other titles that are released that would scratch whatever space itch you have.

Could I interest you in some…Evochron Legacy, mayhaps?

Not Evochron Legacy? That’s the more recent one, right? Is Mercenary the better one?


Not a space expert like Brian but what about No Man Sky? Isn’t that as close to Star Citizen and is a full game?

Legacy is the most recent and best one, for some reason my brain made me type Mercenary. I blame fatigue.

You might enjoy Elite:Dangerous (with Horizons) if you’re primarily looking to fly around exploring pretty landscapes. (I know Brian doesn’t care for the gameplay.)

There are many videos about, here is one.

Well it’s looking like 3.0 is not going to be the time I reinstall the game. What I’m seeing is way too buggy and too little mission content.

That said, even though they will need a lot of time to polish this, it does seem the core tech is in place. I won’t say it bodes well for the project (nothing ever will until they released some polished product, and their production times vs. projected content are still atrocious) but it does mean that if they can keep at it, say, 5 years more, we will then have something (and performance will be less of an issue 1-2 hardware generations from now).

But even then, I’m not sure that something will have any resemblance of completion. At the current pace finishing the 10 expected star systems to any degree of completion/density seems like an herculean task (the original 100 planned systems are really out of the question even in the case of a wild commercial success).

To their credit, they’ve become better at actually implementing the ship concepts people buy. The time from concept to flyable seems to be lower now (buggy flyables, but still, credit where it’s due).

Funding wise, though, seems they are doing ok (bear in mind the current sale hasn’t ended and historically we are talking about $3-4M more before it ends).

For the low price of $45 and a 14 day return policy, you can find out. Though you would be playing the 2.6.3 version from April 2017 because to get your hands on 3.0 atm, you have to be monthly subscriber, concierge, or Evocati tester.

ps: you would find that it’s shit. I have an entire collage of hilarious videos.

pps: Also, unless you have a rig to run it, don’t even bother.

No they haven’t. They’re fixed nav points that link one area in space to another. To see seamless space<->planet watch videos of one of my games, NMS, Infinity Battlespace, Dual Universe

ps: oh great, the forum still can’t do multiple quotes #smh

Good choice! or Legacy

They’re not. Where did you get that impression from? We have actual numbers (even though they’re essentially inflated by CIG to show interest) and they’re way - way - down this year (and this month) compared to previous.

At this stage, I have no fucking idea where the money keeps coming from. It is unreal to me that this thing can keep raking in a couple of mill/month, or like, a mill/day, just on the back of a sale when 3.0 is 9+ months late:

And outside of sales, it is so predicatibly linear. If all this data stems from the SC funding page, then I can only think that the numbers there mean nothing and serve only to make backers or prospective backers think this train is still steaming along. Or is a thumb-suck representation of all their funding sources (vestments, outside funding, tax credits, etc), not just raw backer revenue.

Or, like I said before, someone, somewhere has figured out how to use this as a laundry. But with only UK books to look at and 450 related shell companies, there is no way to tell where the money is coming from and going to. It’s just fucking weird at this point, IMO.

Our estimates puts it at about 2400 whales who consistently engage in these sales. They’re no longer funding a game, they’re funding a dream, while being stuck in Sunk Cost Fallacy. And treating JPEG ship sales like MTG cards.

It won’t make a difference because of their over $3M a month worldwide burn rate. So whatever they raise this month, is barely going to cover the costs of ops for Nov. And they’re already way behind the financial curve.

This guy has so far put in $45K in the game. Like seriously.

100 orders per page. That’s 3 pages. The page count maxes out at 3 pages. So there could be more pages there.

The image suggests 100 orders between July 29 2016 and April 28 2017.

Or, like I said before, someone, somewhere has figured out how to use this as a laundry. But with only UK books to look at and 450 related shell companies, there is no way to tell where the money is coming from and going to. It’s just fucking weird at this point, IMO.

They have loans and investments. That funding chart doesn’t reflect any of that; but it does reflect the monthly subs (yes - those are a thing), which is why it always has values in it.

So real or forged, the sales numbers pay the loans and ops. And they have several shell companies to sift money through. The general consensus is that, malfeasance aside, there’s definitely some money laundering going on somewhere. Bear in mind that several of the people involved in this, were also involved in the Gizmondo fiasco which I wrote about here.

In 2015 they did $28.5M from year start to Nov 26. In 2014 that number was $27.6M. This year they are at $26.2M. Given the variance and volume in the sales at these dates, it’s hard at this point to say for certain this will be a worse year for them than average (it very well could be, but also it could be better than average, we just don’t know yet). 2016 saw accelerated income, and certainly this year is down from last, but that doesn’t mean they are doing significantly worse.

Yeah. And the 2016 accelerated income stemmed from SQ42 anticipation, plus the 3.0 tech demo lie at GamesCom/CitizenCon during which backers were misled into thinking what they had shown (which I revealed to be pure bollocks - which they later admitted to by way of The Road To CitizenCon video) was coming later that year.

I won’t even buy Rimworld because it’s early access, no way in heck will I recommend this game in its current state, and I am a huge fan of the genre.

It does look cool, but that’s the thing: they’ve been making it look cool since 2012 (remember the 300i commercial?).

They’ve been given more money than Roberts could have possibly hoped for. That particular wolf doesn’t need to be fed. Let them turn out a game, then decide if it warrants your support. Those fabled 2,000 or so have managed to keep the dream alive this far without outside support?

It’s not just that it looks cool, it’s that it looks so damn cool (an adjective used by the project’s creator) it’s raising some uncanny valley level warning flags for a potential contributor like me. It’s almost as if their main focus is on making the game look cool rather than getting a cohesive whole together (a viewpoint corroborated by The Escapist and Wired, go ahead and look it up).

Okay, thanks everyone.

Wow, that was weird. It was the middle of the night, I was very tired, and I watched that video.
This is embarrassing, but I dang near plunked down $45 based on that video alone, temporarily wiping all other space sim options (along with everything I’ve read here thus far) right out of my head.

Thank you. For some reason I had thought that everyone now had access to 3.0. Selective reading on my part maybe, combined with being tired, and wanting to believe.

I now remember reading that as well.
Wow. I was in a weakened state last night.
I feel like an addict must feel who had just seen his fix walk by and wanted to grab it. Probably a bad analogy.