Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

It’s nonsense. Our metrics show barely 500K unique accounts. Most of the accounts are duplicates. It’s no different from Facebook, Twitter etc whereby you can create any number of accounts. FYI, you don’t have to buy anything to make an account and be a “citizen”. In fact, most of the tribe know this, as several of them have copped to having several accounts - usually for Grey market ship trading and other dastardly shenanigans.

There won’t be anything “mild” about it. People will be reaching for the ceiling to climb out onto the elevator shaft.

Crytek v CIG/RSI lawsuit plods on.

CryTek have filed their answer to the Mar 9th filing for a protective order (to stall discovery) by CIG.

Those Skadden guys aren’t messing around. This filing was amazingly hilarious.

My analysis will be up later.

The Skadden filing is amazingly brazen in it’s middle finger inference

Thing is, this wasn’t even supposed to be filed. Sources say Skadden was ready to file a complaint with the judge because CIG were not complying with any discovery requests. During their confer meeting, this was expressed to CIG. What did they do next? They pre-empted it with their Mar 9th protective order, asking the judge to deny discovery until after the MtD ruling. So that’s what shaped this particular type of response by Skadden. And it’s brutal

The latest.

Frakkin’ Cylons!!!

So, is this “Star Citizen” game coming out soon? It looks neat.

It’s already out. You should give it shot. $45 is nothing. You’ve spent more for less.

Hahaahhahahaa, “game”, you guys are funny.

Okay, meta-game. :)

LOL!! Don’t mind me, I’m just spreading FUD as usual :)

Fear? Uncertainty? Derek!

“I preordered this and I am demanding my copy OR ELSE I will report you to the BBB.”

FUDge?! I love fudge!

If you want a completely unbiased take on this Star Citizen disaster, watch Cliqist 3-part series of short synopsis.

I was going to say no, I don’t care that much to spend an hour*… but it starts well, so why not.
Completely besides the point question, where’s that accent from?

* it was always going to be an expensive game with extensive mmo grind and open world padding, so I never cared outside of gaming news feeds until I signed up here. Damn, those prototypes were pretty.

You called?


Yup, they just walked back yet another promise. Totally not a money grab though.

As liability for $180m of public money looms, CIG is trying to re-define what “sale” means. It’s hilarious.

Also, CIG made another completely unprofessional filing last night, in relation Crytek’s 03/27 filing.