Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I do believe EVE launced as a complete game.

You’re right, they should do like EVE - finish the damn game.

You’re missing the point of their entire present business model!

I guess I was trying to play the devil’s advocate to the “this game is a sham” idea. Or maybe that’s not the right term… I’m trying to grasp how things could/should have gone differently IF they had intended on producing a real game.

I’m wondering what point this went from a game to a money grab? Immediately? After the first $2 million?

The moment people started to buy ships that would later appear in the game and then bought a second ship. I think the fact that people themselves did not show restraint and were willing to repeatedly buy more ship models is what brought the greed out.

I read all this and am looking forward to the documentary one day. I don’t fault Roberts for his initial ambition, but I want to know the 3-4 decisions they all reflect on while laying in bed at night…realizing those were the choices or things that flipped SC from holistic space sim to runaway train.

That dude just sounds plain tired. I am sure a lot of people are emotionally drained over all the drama.

Not me. I’m on the Aspergers spectrum, so I’m in for the long haul. I’m going to stick around until it all burns to the ground.

Not me, I am just here for 2 weeks

That’s the impression I got, yep.
; )

I guess I’m way too vindictive because I would never say that I didn’t blame CIG for this situation.

edit: this references the repeated comments made by the guy in the video

Try the veal.

Heads up!

What does this mean?

looks at chicken entrails

There shall be drought and beware the two-headed calf.

I saw this and thought of Chris Roberts:

Totally not money laundering though.

Mechs are coming. Nope, not kidding. More scope creep.

It’s not even funny for me, anymore. It’s just fucking stupid.