Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I don’t think money was ever your chimera.

The video of it would have looked the same as the one posted here. Derek Smart, PhD, with $192M isn’t worth mulling over. It would have been like Daikatana (complete w/ad campaign) brundleflied with Duke Nukem Forever, only in space.

LOL!! Good points. Though you must admit, I would have delivered a game of sorts :)

Yeah, performance can be a mixed bag. I have several rigs I use for dev and gaming, and performance is all over the place. It also depends on what you’re doing at the time, and how many people are in your server instance.

You people are nothing but hateful skeptics.
Do you really think Chris took in all that money without a plan?
You are all seeing exactly what he wants you to see. The joke is on you! haha
He set aside money, and there is a parallel development going on with the real project.
I heard this:
At this very moment, at the Croberts Mansion Estate, a team of former Heaven’s Gate disciples are busily crafting this universe, using experiences gained on their comet ride (they just got back in 2012, much wiser now). They didn’t all die in 1996. The best part is that all Chris had to pay them was a nickle and a tube of lip balm, because the comet ride cost them each a nickle, and the lip balm got all used up because that fierce space wind plays hell on the lips at that speed.

It’s not that I think charging people who have already funded your game 20 dollars to WATCH THE LIVESTREAM WHERE YOU ADVERTISE TO THEM is gross.

It’s that I think it’s unbelievably gross.

I noticed that the game is being constantly streamed on Twitch, so that is handy to see the user experience there.

That one is not going down well with the community, to say the very least.

It’s gross, myopic, incredibly ill conceived and alienating. I can’t believe anyone (Sandi) thought that the Con meant to bring together all people who support the project and advertise the game (and new ships) to potential new players should be behind a streaming paywall.

The exceptions are the opening and closing keynotes and the videos will be up a few days later. So expect lots of ship advertisement at the start and end?

Charge us? For a game they haven’t delivered yet and funded by its community? From a company that sold the support of its backers as being part of the development process and doing away with greedy publishers?

Sure you gave us a few hundred dollars to support us a few years ago, but what are you going to do for us now, asks CIG?

Compared to this thread, I’m a beacon of positivity about this game (which means I’m merely ambivalent about its chances :) ). But this is bullshit, pure and simple.

Blizzard also charges a fee to stream their convention, whether you’re a subscriber or not: Blizzcon Virtual Ticket

$40 gets you:

  • Epic Bonus Loot (cardback, pet, etc)

  • Pre-Show Video Content (fluff)

  • Panels & Exclusive Interviews (drunk people)

  • Contests (you lose)

  • Closing Ceremony (hungover people)

  • On Demand Replays (If you can’t read gaming news)

At least those things are in games that are released and functional. It was mighty tempting just for the pets back when I was playing, being the person that had every collector’s edition from Vanilla through, um… whatever the one after Panda-land was.

Since my gaming time is currently almost nil, this is currently my favorite thread here. Yes, it’s sad.

Any predictions when the house of cards will come tumbling down? What will be the event, or what will be the timing?

The reddit is pretty much on fire over this. Looks like high pitch fork potential.

Hhahahaha THIS is the hill they want to die on?! Hahahah fucking morons.

Wow, you’re not kidding. The whole first page is all about that. I don’t remember seeing anything like that previously, at least not without half the page being people defending CIG. There’s only one such thread this time, so yeah, this is different.

Their Citizen-Con livestream is always such a shit-show too. They want to charge money for it? Wasn’t it last year that the game crashed and they had like an awkward 20 minutes to try to get it running again, and then they had to start the demo from their very beginning? Maybe that was the year before. It all blurs together. It always seems like it’s the same demo for stuff that’s still not in the game.

Even without a major technical glitch, it’s always an hour of Chris being snippy with the folks running the demo off-camera.

I watch it for the guffaws.

It’s a good thing we’ve got shining examples of humanity and wit to compensate for those “fucking morons” here on Qt3.

Chris Roberts blames himself and explains he wanted more:

So he paid low 6 figures of his backers’ money to get a pro streaming team.

Now of course this doesn’t help with the budget because what I just asked about adds a low six figure amount to the cost of the event. We really try to spend the money we raise on game development not community content or events. For that we use our subscriptions and try to defray the costs with sponsors like Intel last year.

This is such a “Chris Roberts”, ill conceived and out of touch thing to do considering the community funds the game that damage control is not going to fly.

It’s going to cost them dearly in lost revenue, I would think.

But we still get to oooh, aaaah and laugh live at the pretty images and silly crashes / bugs in the keynote.

…what did you just say to me?

Let me try again with the same disappointed sarcasm but using a word order that’s hopefully clearer. I don’t always think in English first:

It’s a good thing we’ve got shining examples of humanity and wit here on Qt3 to compensate for those “fucking morons”.

I actively dislike that kind of “look how smart and superior to those gamers we are” attitude. But I’m not the boss of you. Please carry on not giving a fuck.

That’s fair. I GUESS.

So the latest Star Citizen fiasco dropped last night - and it’s going to be an AMAZING holiday weekend for the lols.

Small excerpt of Chris’ response:

I get that some of you may not be considering these nuances when you’re whipping out your pitchforks, which is why I thought it would help to detail our thought process and decision process.

That sounds incredibly insulting to me, and I’m not even a backer. Wow.