Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

What I ask myself: Wouldn’t there be a whistleblower by now telling what’s going on if there wasn’t a SQ42-game at all?
On the other hand I don’t understand why they can’t show at least a tiny piece of new gameplay. There must be something to show…

honestly, that’s pretty depressing. these people have essentially been swindled. It’s easy to point and laugh at some of these guys considering the state of the project, but i do feel bad for people like this that got wrapped up in the storm of hype

The developers are separated in teams, each handling different systems. As far as they are concerned, the job is getting done, the problem is Christ has no intention nor the skill needed to make the systems work together.

I had no idea HE was in on the scam!

It goes all the way to the top!

He is a holy figure for some of the whales… :)

Roberts: I really need to get this game together, God help me.

Jesus: Sorry man, that’s above my pay grade.

If you want to be perfect, go, melt your Idris-P and give to the poor, and you will have Star Citizen in heaven.

And the whale went away sad.

Heaven? Oh no, sir. This one belongs elsewhere.

To Whom it May Concern:

The entity known as “Star Citizen,” and all souls associated with it, are not welcome within my domain.So don’t even bother asking.



So today is the 5 year anniversary of The July Blog

Derek Smart Was Right

Your game, your miracle :)

What’s going on with SQ42? There was no video update released and no public of Chris Roberts or Sandi for months.

Here is a post from today from Reddit. I still contend they should release this soon and collect money from it and then push on SC. That, however, assumes there is a large market for a game of this type in 2020 (beyond the fans that already ‘own’ the game)

SQ42 has been MIA since March when the last roadmap was released. Safe to say something is amiss with that.

As for SC, the tribe are up in arms over the rapidly disappearing roadmap tasks. At this rate, SC will be released next month - fully completed. :)

The comments are pure comedy Gold

I love that people are so jazzed about a WIP bartender NPC.

Which literally doesn’t work. Like at all. Start this video around 2:51:00 to 2:60 Streamer tries to order a drink, it forces him to order from someone on the other side of the bar, who proceeds to pour his beer, look at ingredients for a bit (with his beer in hand), and then place the still-full glass in the dishwasher.

Then there’s this…

This is all with the latest build that’s on PTU btw

lol @ the menu swaying with the NPC movements

Right? UX nightmare right there.