Star Trek Beyond

She should take Chekhov’s place. She’s an engineer after all, and yep they could use another woman on deck.

Aww, now you made it a sad thing. :( But, yeah, that would be a pretty graceful way to add her to the crew.


EDIT: Wait, Chekov was an engineer? I don’t know why I would know this, but wasn’t he, like, a helmsman or navigator or something? Scotty is the engineer.

Well, he seems engineer-ish…

I’m not much of a spaceship crew wonk.

While he was mostly helmsman and (technically) security/tactical, he wound up being temporarily promoted to Chief Engineer in Into Darkness.

Wikipedia-backed pedantry. Methinks it might be time to go to bed.

I just can’t imagine a Trek movie without a Chekov :-(.

You guys are making me super sad. Cut it out.


“That’s what I said. Alameda. I know that.”

One of the many stupid plot decisions by Abrams in the movie were its clear he goes hey why not it doesn’t need to make any sense cause they will be too distracted by all the lens flares going on.

Star Trek has a long history of using whichever main crew member in whatever position the script needs. I mean, let’s face it, the command crew always being the first to beam down to uncharted and possibly hostile planets is dumb as hell when you have a full ship of people some of whom presumably are specialists in their fields.

That was one thing I appreciated about Next Generation, even though I’m still not really a fan - unless there was a specific need for the Captain to be present, Picard did not leave the bridge. Though I imagine they violated that rule when needed for dramatic effect.

not a fan. You break my heart.

Yeah I am not sure about sending your highest level staff to check out that weird goo down there, but fun times, especially with Picard did go. It was special!

ChristienMurawski said,

“The movie is exceedingly dark in non-3D.”

Perhaps, ChristianMurawski, this movie is the true Star Trek: Into Darkness.

I wonder if they will just Forrest Gump him into the bridge scenes?

If they’re going to use CGI, they should bring in Arex to lend an extra hand (bwahahah) on the bridge.

That image is about to get weird isn’t it?

Saw this today. It was boring.

Your post is boring.

You’re right.

Years ago when WC3 came out I bought it on release and sat down as soon as I could to play. It took some hours for me to realise that I’m not having fun with it and that I should probably stop playing RTS games because its just not my thing. Over the years I tried an RTS occasionally to the same result.

I had the same feeling yesterday. I wasn’t having fun.
Its just the same thing I’ve seen again and again. The banter between 2 unlikely friends, the cool techno and edgy girl, who deep down is all soft and looking for acceptance and authority, the unfathomably aggrieved captain.

I also hate how enemy soldiers go through the usual transformation from unstoppable uber-soldiers subduing an entire ship, to incompetent buffoons unable to suppress a few brave lone attackers.

The space station personnel unable to cope with anything without the heroes is another point.

People pausing in the midst of battle to sort their private issues, while presumably everyone else is taking a breather.

I’m tired of space distance traversal being treated like a morning journey to work. Yes, I know they have all sorts of warp drive and such, but appearing at the station gate 5 minute after leaving the planet?

It comes down to that there is no tension, no anticipation for matters to resolve. Just waiting for everyone to play their part so I can go home.

I suppose this isn’t any less boring then my original post.

That’s the same feeling I had in SW:TFA when Han Solo pulls on the clunky analogue light speed handle ( going millions of miles a second or whatever) and comes out of hyperspace about 5 inches away from the super weapon planet. Not impressed, bored, because it’s all just scripted to ride the edge of impossible every time all the time.

Hi oh, I forgot the best part of it - fighting the hoard with the POWER OF MUSIC!
I thought hacking aliens was frowned upon since independence day.

I felt they did just barely enough of a handwave (“interference” or whatever) to get away with it, as opposed to requiring output from a human programming language to somehow work perfectly with alien software.