Star Trek Beyond

Late to the party, but I just watched this. Did nobody notice that they stole the “classical music” gag from Futurama?

The finale spaceship flight ‘battle’ through the canals of the Space Station were heavily reminiscent of the Chicago canal battle in Jupiter Ascending, too (especially the early previs). Framing, shot design, etc. Not too surprised, since I think ILM did a lot on ST:Beyond, and were also the ones doing the previs on that sequence in Jupiter as well. I guess the artists were bummed no one saw it the first time, ha.

I have to say, I’m pleased the enterprise got blown up in this flick, despite getting to be a repetitive idea… the ship was just so ugly. Those glory shots at the beginning, where it flies by camera, don’t make it look pretty so much as it shows off the terrible proportions, the weird tightly packed spar spacing and just generally poor looking silhouette. RiP, ugly Enterprise.

Well, if I recall correctly they were constructing an identical one at the end, so its not like it’ll look any different in the future.

It’s like in Two and a Half Men, when Charlie has to buy a new, identical car because his mom “used” the first one improperly.

Was it in STIII where Kirk and crew were in the star dock, looking out onto the massive and beautiful Excelsior, with a few lines of dialogue about how things have to change and move on or get better and acknowledging their own passage? That was great. No lessons learned here, I guess, then.

Actually, I watched that last sequence again, and as I remembered it, the design has changed somewhat… most notably to me, the nacelles are spaced out better and the fragile curve of them is straighter, which I think is why I felt happier about it at the time. There are some design details here.



I really like the redesign of the Enterprise of the 2009 movie, I think it looks pretty sleek. Doesn’t quite top the refit from the original motion picture, but I like it. And I have no idea of it was intentional, but I always liked that the tapered nacelles kind of echoed the look of the Doomsday Machine from the original series:

Yeah, I really like the design of the -A shown at the end of Beyond. Hopefully we’ll get another movie to showcase it.

It was also a pretty thrilling sequence. Everything just happened so fast, and it was so unexpected. I felt the full weight of Kirk having to make really fast decisions in a bad situation. I’m not sure I’ve felt that kind of emergency in the Star Trek universe before.

Cool, guess I need to rewatch the movie now!

As well the CGI remaster of the TOS episodes make the original ship look pretty good.

I really live the original series remasters, and it’s cool that you can switch to the original effects with a button press (to compare, or just to elect them as a preference). I thought I would still use the original effects because of my love of the series, but the remastered effects are so well done and fit so seamlessly that I stick with them.

My favorite remaster of the series is the Doomsday Machine. Which is my favorite TOS episode just above Tribbles.

You know how much this movie sucked? I don’t even remember who the villian was, or what their motivation was. I assume someone controlled the drone swarm thing that destroyed the Enterprise. It wasn’t the pale white alien chick from the posters, was it?

I have no idea. Lol.

Idris Elba and even he couldn’t make his character’s motivations make any sense.

The “spoilers” on the nacelles were always there, just much more understated on the original model.

Thanks to this thread, I watched the opening 20 minutes of the movie again. That whole attack sequence on the Enterprise has to be the best action sequence they’ve done in a Trek movie right? The only thing that spoils it is at the very end of it, when the Enterprise saucer section crashes, and Scottie gets out of his improvised torpedo and immediately almost falls off a cliff, only to stop himself from falling with four fingers hanging onto the ledge.

Unfortunately, the movie is pretty uneven from there, so I stopped watching, but man, that whole sequence from when they first arrive at the planet in the nebula to when Kirk launches his escape pod from the bridge right as the saucer section crashes in front of him as we see his face in the reflection of the glass of the escape pod. So good.

What??? Now that you say that I vaguely remember a generic bald alien. Easy that him? Lol what a waste.

Agreed, the Enterprise destruction scene was one of those sequences that could only be done with state of the art CGI. It was memorable.

He wasn’t an alien.