Star Trek Discovery (2017)

I would watch the fuck out of your movie.

Nice @Quaro! Is Roddenberry’s guide for writers up online somewhere?

I think that’s pretty close to the point the Klingons in DSC episode 1&2 are making. If they don’t fight the Federation they will ultimately be assimilated into the Federation’s collective losing their distinctive Klingon-ness.

I skimmed through it, interesting that Data was originally supposed to be created by a mysterious alien race that we never found out about.

“Captain, the giant squid is about to breach our hull! We have to fire the harpoon!”
“No, captain, it’s an endangered species! It’s angry because a Japanese fishing vessel killed it’s mate. It really just wants to love!”

“We must give it love! Ensign, into the water.”

Super obvious in retrospect, but the premise for these series was born out of this TOS scene:

The main character is not making a whole lot of sense to me. She’s supposed to have the discipline of a Vulcan, but when total war breaks out she doesn’t want to be a cog in the machine. She wants to deal with her own personal feelings.

And she turns up her nose at the idea of biological weapons. Where did she learn that? Would the Vulcans teach her that it’s wrong to use a certain kind of weapon just because humans in the 21st century thought they weren’t kosher? It’s implied that the war is kind of a big deal, like maybe even critical to the survival of humanity, and yet she’s not willing to do the utmost to win?

Anyway, I wish that this and Orville would have a baby. They’re both good enough to watch but I feel like they’re not living up to their potential.

I’m quite enjoying this TV series. It’s pretty good sci-fi with great production values and strong visuals. However, this is not Star Trek. As someone mentioned above it’s like an entire TV series set in the mirror-verse where everything is dark and everyone is somewhat base, nasty or evil. It contradicts all of the essential ingredients that make Star Trek what it is and I expect Gene is turning in his grave. Even so, it’s pretty good :)

The death of the tactical officer by the “creature” was hilarious.
We don’t know anything about this creature except that it can’t be harmed by phasers and its claws can tear through the hull of ships
I know!. Lets randomly open its cage and shoot it with phasers. Best Tactics Ever.

You joke, but isn’t that a subplot in The Expanse?

Lots of idiot plotting in this episode, as mentioned above. The petulant scientist is really grating on me. Is that intentional, or am I actually supposed to sympathize with him?

I’m very pleased with how they’re using special effects. It’s not overpowering the story. Maybe their budget is at a sweet spot where they have enough to do some cool stuff but not enough to run wild with it.

Cast I like. Klingon stuff I like. Effects are great. I’m just having a lot of trouble with magic space mushroom spores that fold spacetime. It’s just very far-future tech (and rather silly) for a show set before the original series.

Oh, and a giant water bear now acting as navigator.

I’m pretty darn sure he’s supposed to be grating.

Ep 4, what a clusterfuck. At least they fixed the problem I had with the security chief. She’ll be much more tolerable going forward.

So much for my idea of Allegra, The Chainmail Chick, cosplaying her. Unless she worked it into her Queen of the Damned undead get-up somehow. . .

I liked the first three episodes. Number 4 was kind of a mess. At least they solved their Cylon problem.

Dunno the issue with the creature/spore stuff. Star Trek has had plenty of out there alien beings, tech, and just plain crazy magic shit the crews would run into all the time.

I liked the crew mostly getting along in Ep 4. There was still some conflict, but at least it wasn’t like Ep 3 where everyone was acting like a complete ass to one another. Still preferred the Shenzhou crew though.

Hopefully things will continue to settle down in the Discovery Crew and it will be like Voyager, which IIRC dropped the internal crew conflict stuff within the first half-dozen episodes or so.

I really liked this one.

I look forward to the “it’s intelligent and has feelings too so we can’t chain it up in the spore room to navigate so lets put a uniform on it and it will help” episode some time in the future
unless they drop the whole spore thing, because if you put one in every ship in the ST film/series they would be a bit easy mode

There’s clearly going to be some major problem with the tech, though this could be because the whole thing seems to be aping The Expanse so far. My money is on it being an actual tardigrade that the spore tech has transformed.

I just can’t handle the cartoonishness of most of the characters. The whole security chief plotline was asinine and the snarky scientist is just begging to get spaced. At least Lorca was a bit more believable this time.