Star Trek Discovery (2017)

For your consideration.

Because we are streaming, so we could do whatever we want.

So they come from the “we’re on Showtime so we gotta show some titties” school of television writing.

I don’t have an across-the-board objection to cursing in Trek. Humans curse. That’s a thing we do.

My objection here is that it was so lame and juvenile. “Fucking cool!” and then the reply “It is fucking cool” is just dumb. If you’re going to have someone curse in that episode, why not Mudd? Him throwing an F-bomb, especially with how he wound up, makes a lot more sense than what we got.

Oh, and this?

Because we are streaming, so we could do whatever we want. It doesn’t all look good on Star Trek. Violence is violence. You know, okay, maybe we can show a Klingon bat’leth going into somebody, couldn’t do that on network. Sex on Star Trek, to a degree. Nudity on Star Trek, not really, it just doesn’t feel right.

God forbid we show someone having healthy sex, but a bat’leth impaling someone? Heck yeah!

Oh so you haven’t seen the episode where a space virus makes the entire crew of Discovery a bunch of horn dogs huh? It’s epic.

They call that episode “Star Trek: Dick Suckery”.

Sorry, sorry.

So hawt.

That sounds like an untrustworthy local access channel advertisement salesman.


“We also, finally, got a new shipment in of Dicken’s Cider, which so many of y’all have been askin’ for…”

Oh crap, I just remembered something I hadn’t thought about in years - I was driving through Arkansas, headed up to Fayetteville to visit a friend and somewhere along the way I drove by a car dealership owned by, I shit you not, Dick Longing. I nearly had to pull over until the fits ended.


I thought it was a very human moment where the Starfleet decorum was forgotten for a minute. It didn’t feel juvenile. It made me smile.

“Dammit, Jim!” and “double dumbass” was always okay to me, but I hated Data’s “Oh shit!”

Oh, I guess Chris Pine’s “bullshit” was fine too.

Something about the delivery of the “fucking cool” scene just bounced off me. It felt like the show was trying way too hard to be edgy and cool.

That’s how I felt too. It felt like it came out of nowhere and felt forced, not natural at all.

I know a lot of people like Lieutenant Tilly, because i hang out with a bunch of socially anxious, introverted nerds.

Doesn’t mean that I necessarily love her as a character, but the moment was pretty spot on.

Hell, man. I know a few in my line of work too!

I still felt the scene was dumb.

Tilly’s outburst felt right, to me, albeit not spectacularly well-acted (but a lot of her acting leaves a lot to be desired for the archetype they’re going for, IMO).

Stametz’s reply would have made a lot more sense if they’d done virtually anything to humanize him/show his softer side up until that moment, because it would be a great way to make your socially awkward, dweeby, oft-bullied colleague feel better about putting their foot in their mouth. . . if I for a second thought he was the kinda guy to do so.

The best I’ve seen is the Boner Plastics factory right across the street from Hardwood Industries. It’s nice to see a diversified economy where everyone isn’t relying on the same raw materials for their boner-related industries.

Major potential spoilers on io9, for those who are wary. Memory Alpha as well, I’m betting. At this point they are still based on cicrumstantial evidence, but I’m convinced. I accidentally caught it in a discussion on another forum and wish I’d managed to avoid it.

Well now I gotta go look.

I’m usually super wary, but for this show I don’t care. I read the thing, can’t say I’m shocked.