Star Trek Discovery (2017)

There’s more.

The episode with Cornwell is the real giveaway. When it becomes obvious that she and Lorca have a past, he is uncomfortable as hell. He knows that interacting with this old flame is potential doom for him. The writers set up some other character defect to distract us from the truth. We are presented with the PTSD motive that, once Cornwell detects it, will result in the loss of his command as a bait and switch excuse. It’s really quite brilliant writing, actually. I totally fell for it at the time.

So did my wife. Her fan paranoia was totally geeking on the Loq/Tyler switch. She was distracted by its more obvious outlines and so did not see the bigger, subtler tale – just as she was intended to be. Clever; very clever.

The problem is that stuff like this amounts to “Save the Cheerleader; Save the World” or, better still, R+L=J. Like a GRRM novel, once you tip your audience off that forensic analysis is required, it becomes a lot harder to surprise the audience in subsequent seasons. You only get to be a virgin once.

In Lithe, the episode with Admiral Cornwell:

* Cornwell notices old scars on his back that appear odd to her; they were not there before.;

* Cornwell brings up a meteor shower that she and Lorca saw years ago when they were much younger and Lorca changes the subject instantly;

* Cornwell remarks that Lorca “seems to be a different person” and;

* Of course, there is the phaser behind-the-back incident with Saru.

At the end of Episode 9, Lorca does something on the computer and punches it in. That results in the Discovery making its way to the Mirror Mirror Universe. That was not an accident, It was the end product of all of Lorca’s schemes. He did it to finally get home. He even says so “Let’s go home”. At the end of all of these jumps - to parallel universes that Lorca blatantly states the Spore Drive may be able to access, Lorca types something in to the computer. There is an entry about the jump that briefly appears on screen that says: “OVERRIDE, LORCA, G. SPORE JUMP 133— UNKNOWN.” And poof. Mirror Mirror Universe - here we go.

Lastly, and perhaps not so obviously, we have the idea of his photosensitive eyes and his refusal to get them treated. Something is there that Lorca does not want anyone to examine closely. The injury is explained as a consequence of the attack on the Buran. The injury – or genetic defect? – is probably much older to be explained by an event as recent as the Buran. Lorca doesn’t want Starfleet Medical to go there and find the source - or to detect the age - of that injury/defect.

In the past few hours since I’ve gone down this rabbit hole, I have now entirely sold myself on it. Ruthless Captain Gabriel Lorca, sole survivor of the USS Buran is not some departure from Starfleet that cavalierly breaks 50 years of Star Trek canon. The Captain Lorca we have come to know has been from the Mirror Mirror Universe the whole damned time.

About that neck-snapping scene…

It had very little impact on me. I was like “whoa I’m a little surprised… but more surprised at how little I care about this”. Now that I think about it, that character was pretty one-dimensional. He had his relationship with the engineer and that was about the only thing we knew of him. I always had a vague sense that they weren’t fleshing him out like the other characters and now I get why.

And now, to follow up on the revelation…

It now also makes sense how it is that the show has Lorca rescue and rely upon a mutineer to assist him in his quest. And why her being a mutineer is so central to the arc of this new series.

We already know what Michael Burnham will do once she logically figures out that Cpt Gabriel Lorca of the USS Discovery is not the REAL Lorca. She will mutiny; or she may doubt herself and fail to act because of her past sin. Even so. once she makes the choice, those around her will doubt her, given her mutinous past. (Saru, especially. His choice will probably prove pivotal.)

It’s an interesting premise. Layers of deception that contain hidden clues, coupled together with a more obvious deception to distract the viewer from the larger, subtler tale. Clever.

Turns out, they really did “Game of Thrones” up Star Trek after all.

Well done.

If that is what’s going to happen I even agree. We will see how it plays out.

Okay, holy hell - That was one heck of an episode. I’m blown away. They really are turning up the dial to 10 here, eh? Can’t wait to see more!

Best episode yet. Pretty much don’t care about whatever “inconsistencies” with traditional Trek people get hung up on anymore. Just want a fun interesting show. Delivering so far for me.

Wow Steel_wind! My mind is completely blown about your revelation and the fact that the writing was that smart! This is epic! Once you add up all the odd inconsistences its hard NOT to see it! I wonder…the logic leap Lorca makes that they are in a parallel universe was just a little too easy. It’s there of course, but it should have taken more time for them to ‘get’ that outrageous possibility! LOL It really does ALL fit, poor writing become gotcha writing…wow!!!

Now if they explain the Klingon visual differences this could be my favorite smartest greatest trek yet!! Well depending on what they do after all this is revealed! LOL

I’m so sure your post with the pic is right Steel_wind you really should blur all the speculation as spoilers! :) Seriously, mind blown! Going to remember this thread as a old man in my rocking chair and smile…

You just made my wife’s night. She was enraged by death of the doctor. But she’s been down the same rabbit hole for the last 2 hours since I read this theory to her. She’s convinced it’s true.

You are probably right.

To clarify, in my initial post, I was just riffing - on the fly - without really having thought too hard about it. As I wrote and revised the post over about 20 mins, things started to come together as I thought about it. And suddenly, while I had started off thinking “maybe”, by the end, I was a good sight further down the road than that.

Then I googled what others had thought on the matter. That stuff I put in spoilers as it seem more developed than my “pull it outta my ass” comments.

I’m convinced enough now that this is absolutely true that it probably could all be in spoilers. shrug Still, it’s not based on something that has not been shown to the general audience. It’s just the product of thinking about it and collating some of the data to come up with a theory that fits the facts.

I think the only real issue is whether Lorca Prime is still there and what role, if any, he played in attacking the Emperor. As for who the Emperor is, we may have another surprise waiting for us. I got some speculation on that, too. We probably have not seen the last of Michelle Yeoh’s Philippa Georgiou. Again, “Emperor” with a male connotation distracts us from a non-gendered possibility. The Emperor is an Empress.

As for how Lorca Prime escaped in the Mirror Universe and went into hiding? We may not have seen the last of Harry Mudd, either. Is Mudd a nicer guy in the MU? Or is he the same? I’m guessing - nicer, mostly.

On a broader note, it’s really quite amazing that the writers of a major genre show like Star Trek could manage to keep most of their viewers in the dark on something this BIG for 10 episodes! Even more remarkable they have done so after you see the mounting evidence – which I think is so clear that once you see it, you simply can’t unsee it.

Damned clever writing, misdirection and distraction. That’s truly some major screenwriting to have pulled that off for as long as they did in such a genre show with such dedicated fans. Impressive.

I agree it’s pretty cool. I actually considered this from the beginning, but only in an offhand not to be taken serious manner. I missed a ton of clues that really only work together, all laid out as above by @Steel_Wind in such an impressive manor.

Thinking about it, I really like the level of misdirection here - this is The Prestige level. They use one, almost obvious bombshell, to distract you from the real event we all know is coming. And they almost got away with it, but that’s almost impossible with the internet.

Let’s hope this is actually the case. It has not happened yet I am not 100% convinced. It makes total sense but TV series have shown me often enough that they actually go with the dumbest explanation.

Yeah the Mirror theory has been floating around for awhile. The Lorca jump entry moved it from maybe to probably. With all of the extra evidence that has been tied to the theory, I’m guessing that it’s true. If so, it’s a well written and crafted story that changes my perception of the series in a major way. Now the whole thing with Tyler has been bandied about since he first appeared and that too is very likely the truth. I find that one much harder to swallow though, because of the advanced medical scanning abilities of the Federation. I simply do not see how they could feasibly pull that one off.

Ironically, if they hadn’t gone so whole hog on changing up the Klingons from previous designs, the Tyler thing would be easier to swallow. (And Klingon dialog would be less difficult to listen to, since the wouldn’t have all those mouth appliances…)

I’ve been intentionally avoiding pretty much all discussion of the actual episodes of Discovery in case I decided to watch it some time. Today I accidentally ended up watching a clip of it, and learned two things about the USS Discovery:

One, it has a large button on the bridge labeled “SPORE DRIVE”.
Two, pressing this button makes the ship do a barrel roll.

And that the entire show looks like a black light poster.

Welp, no need to worry about watching this anymore.

Zylon, at least you spared yourself the torture of enduring Tilly. My viewing goal with this series is seeing her character hit with a photon torpedo.

I would get soo much more enjoyment from this show had it not been a Trek series. It doesnt have an ounce of Trek feel, from setting, to characters, to stories, to … well the Klingons sort of feel Klingony, I’ll give them that.

Get over that it’s not just the TNG rehashed. That would be dull and boring. Go watch the literally 700+ episodes of that style if you want it. It’s 2017. TV is different now.

Ah, the “Different is automatically good” defense, with a little false dilemma mixed in. Rarely effective but always popular.

I have also just learned that an episode had some crew members running around in t-shirts with “DISCO” emblazoned across the front. Not as in the dance craze, but as in “we ran out of space on the shirt.”

I mean… Jesus, I’ve seen seasons of Red Dwarf take itself more seriously than this goofy nonsense.

So you’re basing your entire opinion on a show based on a single clip and what weirdly sounds like a snippet of gossip?

The show may or may not be for you (if you actually watched an episode or two), but honestly, you sound like some snippy character from Mean Girls right now.

As to Jason_Becker’s response, he didn’t say different is automatically good. He rebutted the position “that not the same is automatically bad.”

And Jason couldn’t have been refuting “not the same is automatically bad," because nobody said that. He clearly intended “TV is different now” as a defense, e.g. different is good.