Boldly Spinning Where We’ve Always Spun Before!
So back in the early 90s, before Internet access became a widespread thing, most of us hung out on online networks like Compu$erve, GEnie, and BIX. Because the community was small, and because the a-holes who dominate the world and the Internet were still waiting on AOL and Prodigy to let them ruin online discourse, we got to hang out online with people like Damon Knight, Wil Wheaton, and… Joe Michael Straczynski (JMS). I bring this up in a DS9 topic because JMS used GEnie to bounce off ideas for, and promote, Babylon 5. And those of us who were holding court with him, obviously, were already on board for B5. (I still have my “Grid Epsilon Irregulars” t-shirt, which JMS offered to his GEnie supporters.) And Joe had pitched B5 to Paramount, who rejected it. And then launched their own dramatic space series with a station full of interesting characters, Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
The reason for the rambling B5/“Online Was So Much Better” intro is that our affinity for B5 and our connection to JMS meant that a lot of the vocal online SF community was immediately critical and suspicious of DS9. They’d been heavily influenced by JMS’s ideas! B5: The Gathering was so much better than DS9! And Star Trek people are supposed to like each other!
Of course, time passed, and both series ended up capturing my – and those of many other SF fans – heart. They were great in their own ways. And DS9 went from “meh, probably a ripoff” to my second-favorite Trek series of the 20th century.
When I met my girlfriend of five years online, she had “If I was a Deep Space 9 character, I’d be Jadzia Dax” in her profile. That made me write to her. (Luckily, she didn’t put her other idea, “if I was a Voyager character, I’d be B’Ellana Torres,” becuase I’d known Voyager was her favorite Trek I’m not sure I’d have contacted her!)
So all this rambling is just a preamble to a DS9 rewatch. She and I just started rewatching the show. Other than a few standout episodes, I hadn’t watched most episodes of the series since they first aired in the 90’s (never did watch all those TNG/DS9 VHS recordings), so it’s almost like new Trek to me!