Star Wars DVD Changes - Proof (?)

Oh hell, let’s go all the way and have Hayden reread all of James Earl Jones’ lines while we’re at it.

Nah, let’s have Jake Lloyd do all the lines for all three of them. “Yipee!”

Let’s not be defeatist here…maybe we could get JEJ to dub all of Hayden’s lines…

The nuts and bolts of the story for the prequels isn’t too bad - much better than the original trilogy. Sadly, the stuff that actually matters a damn - characterisation, dialogue etc. - is awful.

I dunno. When you actually piece it all together it all seems rather byzanitine and dorky.

Snaps to that. Using Imperial uniform helmets as a xylophone was golden!

I never saw the Special Edition of Jedi. That yub-yub song was the shit. I actually kind of liked the Ewoks, primarily because of their awesome song. And that one scene where they smashed an AT-AT between two logs.

I’ve never understood the Ewok hate. I always thought they kicked ass. One dead Ewok and they get medieval on those Stormtroopers’ asses.

I dunno. When you actually piece it all together it all seems rather byzanitine and dorky.[/quote]

Absolutely, but it beats two Death Stars, villain-as-father and ‘OMG Leia’s my sister!’ And Empire didn’t even have a plot. Probably to its credit.

EDIT: I just remembered the virgin birth thing. We’ll call it a tie.

What I like about the Ewoks is that their tongues look real. They’re probably just midget tongues, but somehow they look like Ewok tongues.

Note also that one dead Ewok and the camera lingers longer and the music is more solemn than when the second Death Star is destroyed, killing countless thousands of independant contractors who merely wanted to put food on their families plates.


I’ve never understood the Ewok hate. I always thought they kicked ass. One dead Ewok and they get medieval on those Stormtroopers’ asses.

AAAAArrrrrgghhhh! I can’t believe you people are going to try and rehabilitate the Ewoks. Come on! Mostly out of work Oompah Loompahs running around in poorly hemmed fur suits? Just think about the close up of the baby animatronic Ewok and remember the “Aawww” that softly echoed through the theater…sending a chill down my spine. Ewoks are lame. Han solo tapping a storm trooper on the shoulder and running around him to lead him into an ambush…LAME! The final battle pitting half pint wookies against a legion of the Empire’s finest troops…LAME! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when I was 18 in 83 I saw Jedi 4 or 5 times in the theater. I loved it. Then slowly over the years I realized that something was really wrong with the movie. The farther I got from the 12 year old who saw Star Wars over 20 times the more I realized Jedi was tainted…starting with Han Solo hanging upside down firing a laser pistol blind at the tongue of the Great Sarlacc. Ewoks are the crowning humiliation. Sure the yub yub song is catchy, but dancing like an Ewok surely to the Dark Side lead it must.

Never forget the Law of the Furry, a section of which states that when something furry dies there is more weeping and gnashing of teeth than there is for a non-furry.

I swear to God, if Jesus was Furry we’d STILL be in the Dark Ages.

Why stop there? Jake Lloyd’s lines could use a redubbing too…

  • Alan

Hearing James Earl Jones’ voice come out of that little kid would truly freak me out.

Yeah, but how fucking awesome would that be?

Qui-Jon: Anakin, I think you may be very strong with the Force.
Anakin, with JEJ’s voice: REALLY? AND HOW IS THAT?
Qui-Jon: Because you talk like one scary bastard.


Hell, that’s a great idea, you ask me. Also, I submitted my thoughts on Ewoks awhile back. Negative.

The “James Earl Jones as Jake Loyd” home game:

Don’t make me destroy you.

Leave them to me, I will deal with them myself.

You don’t know the power of the dark side.

If his lips moved with the .mp3s, that would’ve been the coolest thing I’d seen in awhile.

Still, kinda fun. Love that last one. :)

James Earl Jones was the voice of Maggie in one Halloween episode of the Simpsons. S/he axes Groundskeeper Willie in the back. It was pretty scary.

“This is truly a most disturbing universe.”

Or something like that…

“I find your lack of faith disturbing”

Insert Force Choke Here.