Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Episode VIII

Man I’ve got to stop reading The Verge until I see this. They’ve had spoilers on their front page for the past 2 days.

Thought it was amazing, I’m so glad RJ pissed people off, this movie is so much more than a theam park ride.

I thought it was pretty good. I liked the emphasis on the ‘WWII in space’ naval action (not a spoiler, I hope).

I thought the character continuity for Luke was fine. I mean, does anyone remember Return of the Jedi?

Overall, it emotionally felt somewhere between The Force Awakens and Rogue One, and for me that was a very good thing. It was a tad formulaic in the vein of Empire Strikes Back, but otherwise very enjoyable.

The thing about Rogue One though is they had one shot due to the ending. They couldn’t really let things hang, and they couldn’t really ask the audience to give them time. Not that the audience would just because they asked for it, but Rogue One was a one and done, and they did that well.

I liked it! In fact I would say it was one of the best ones, even if it has some weak points of course.

Well, hoping I can catch a showing while I’m in New Jersey next week some time. I never did see Rogue One, but I kind of looked at that as a side story, gotta see the main event on the big screen, right?

Rogue One is a good example of how you can alter the series (no real Force powers, no lightsaber combat (Vader’s slaughtering spree at the end wasn’t really a material part of the plot, more just fan service)), and not turn the story into a complete pile of shit.

Rogue One somehow managed to tell a story that did not involve Skywalkers, telekinesis, light and dark sides, without taking a giant dump all over the fundamentals of what makes Star Wars what it is (struggle against overwhelming odds, actual hope as opposed to just saying “hope” 30 times, etc.).

That’s just an opinion, I though Rogue One was a pretty good example of what not to do with a franchise, and a pretty mediocre movie with some worse than mediocre parts and no redeeming quality (salve for the Droid, I did like him)

I didn’t say I loved it. It had its flaws. But it was at least Star Wars.

I saw the Star Wars and loved it! I think they missed a huge marketing opportunity in a Vice Admiral Porldo, so if anybody works at Disney, hit me up coz.

Honestly, Rogue One might be my third favorite Star Wars after Empire and A New Hope. I loved the tone, and for me personally it harked back to playing the d6 PnP RPG in college for several obscurely funny reasons. I thought it was great.

I don’t dislike Rogue One overall, but that Vader slaughtering spree is one of the worst creative decisions in the entire franchise. Taking an archetypical white hat/black hat story and somehow creating a sequence where the entire point is for fanboys to jerk off to the villain butchering good guys does more violence to the spirit of Star Wars than any accusation The Last Jedi’s detractors could ever dream up.

What? It reinforces Vaders image as real force (of evil) and the “monster” he became after (in) the prequels. It’s also a nice contrast to have this powerful evil force user fight average people and just show how brutal that is and why Vader is so menacing.
So what’s wrong with him butchering “good guys” (and butchering is a big word in a franchise were limbs are choped off regularly, even by the good guys)? That’s his whole point in the story and the scene also allowed a nice transition to the OT, not to mention those good guys weren’t just slaughtered for nothing, they sacrificed themselves.
Guess what I’m saying is that whole Vader scene was good BECAUSE Vader is just outside of the “reality” of average people in SW and thus a typical white hat/black hat story.

Literally the only part of Rogue One I enjoyed. Finally we see why Vader was feared.

He slaughtered a bunch of children and participated in the massacre of the Jedi and their allies… I think there was reason before that.

I enjoyed Rogue One quite a bit. It’s more rewatchable than Force Awakens, and generally of better quality than The Last Jedi in terms of story, action, and humour.

I really don’t know what to think of The Last Jedi, I will need to watch it again. I did like how it was unpredictable. They set up an obvious trope and fortunately try to subvert it. In this respect it is better than by-the-numbers Force Awakens, but I just wish it was done well. The story did very little for me, the characters were a mixed bag, and the dialogue was occasionally horrendous. I do like Kylo Ren and Mark Hamill in this, and there were some really nice visual sequences (dreadnought being split in two, red underneath the salt, etc.). The three other guys I watched it, all big star wars fans, with were more positive.

But “we” didn’t see any of that.

You did if you watched the prequels, and Rogue One not only takes place after the prequels, it was made after them too.

The what 'quels? Never heard of 'em.

In the context of Rogue One, what is the point of that scene?

Nothing. All the protagonists are gone at this point. It’s all meta Star Wars fanboy bullshit.

If you want to hit home a theme of average people against the Star Wars mainstays, have the Rogue One dirty dozen mostly make it out alive. Escape. And then Vader shows up and kills them all. Instead of Jyn Erso hugging Cassian in the face of an explosion, she’s desperately showing the Death Star plans through an opening as Darth Vader runs her through with a light saber.

Feels shitty, doesn’t it?

If instead of a white hat mook against this black hat Star Wars icon, you would have had have a person you’ve spent a movie with to put your rooting interest in the right place, this moment wouldn’t have been the garbage it is.