Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Episode VIII

“Shot/Reverse shot: On a couch, walking, on a couch, one person standing, on a couch…”. Still cracks me up.

@Desslock - Good answer, (GOG) but I’d have to buy them again lol.

In any case, perhaps because GOG is European (Polish), places like Eurogamer and RPS are leaving it alone… despite, or even also because, GOG took a stance on curating Japanese Visual Novels. Something to do with Hentai vs LGBT debates perhaps? The emphasis being on curation, apparently.

I’ve bought games from GOG before… but do you remember that stunt they pulled, claiming they were going out of business? Not a great plan.


“One person stands, and walks to a window. Then during a dramatic moment, the person turns back to make a comment.”

“It’s like poetry, in that they rhyme.”

I saw this earlier and I still love it. I would pay good money for Star Wars: Ragnarok.

  • Trivial Backstory

OK… the difference is that those old questions, such as ‘The Kessel Run’ were throw-away space-sci-fi jargon lines designed to make the world seen bigger… and the ‘Clone Wars’ was backstory that didn’t need answering at the time of mention - you could imagine it.

For example, I remember reading in one of those old Star Wars dictionary things (pre-prequels) that Luke’s dad Anakin was dropped in lava pit after fighting Obi-Wan - that was in Lucas’ mind for quite a long time. I think that was his equivalent to Tolkien’s ‘The Silmarillion’.

In Original Star Wars, Alec Guiness does a great job as a mentor explaining to his squire (Luke) the things he needs to know in order to get on with the job. We hear the doubting of Luke, but the eagerness to know more - Alec Guiness sells it like a boss 😆. The Force, and the basic history, is sold to the audience. He isn’t being ‘cryptic’ as far as we know. We were even told who Luke’s dad was by that point… and the twist did not change the usefulness of that scene.

  • Legendary Irony

Whereas, in The Force Awakens…it is now ‘Legends’. Rey & Finn geek about "Oh I heard stories about that ‘Star Wars’.
And Han says "it’s true, all of it; the Jedi and the Sith " or something like that. The problem with saying “It’s all true” is that the characters (Rey & Finn) which are asking, don’t know what is true, which is why they are asking.
We the audience don’t know what it is that they believe they know, or how they like to interpret it.
So this is a throw-away line at establishing past events, but doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. Instead, it conceals what we the audience already know. It puts ‘The Star Wars’ in a box - A Mystery Box.

Han Solo is basically saying
“It’s all true, Santa, Jesus and the Easter Bunny are all real, and whatever else you believe in… errr chem-trails, anti-vaxination, climate change…sure why not…?”

It doesn’t act as a backstory filler, but supposedly acts as a form of Irony, because WE the audience have probably seen the old films… but WE don’t know what has changed since then… or what is ‘canon’, reducing the Irony to zero.

  • Sequel Bait & Switch

… and then ALL the different characters in TLJ are constantly telling each other that their interpretations of everything, including what they know, and what we know, are all bullsh*t, at almost every opportunity, and this is sounding less like Irony or Revelation, and more like proto-Anarchy, or a session of the Ukrainian Parliament.

  • Doctor Who? Dr No. Parents.

… and the Rey-Parents thing was important, because they set it up like freaking reverse Superman (and even had a scene depicting it, rocket-ship and everything).
Superman is defined by his relationship to his parents, even if he personally doesn’t know it yet.
Those are nice scenes, As were MANY Futurama scenes like that - It could be said that, with Rey’s parents, the writer(s) just copied Futurama’s Turanga Leela (if you know, you know…), and Finn would probably end up being Fry.

Then with the flashback scene, seeing little Rey - who is watching her? Is she watching herself? It could be argued that someone might imagine themselves in third-person while remembering, but it is all done in a way that is a needless tease. It is concealing information. She can find out all the magic stuff happening across space and time, but she can’t see her own parents in her vision? Why not? It would have been better to settle the question in TFA.

  • To summarise, Rey’s characterisation via the movie is not:
    “I have no family. It is me out here alone.”
    … it is “Ohmygod who are my parents they’re coming back aren’t they?” The former is backstory, while the latter is ‘Chekov’s Family-Gun’.

Also, Red Dwarf did ‘Rimmer’s parents were smelly idiots not posh haha’ when the show got revived, and all the cast were old and past it… it completely destroyed the point of neurotic Arnold J Rimmer, who was a brilliant character up to that point.

  • Cryptic ‘Wisdom’

Maz… and Rey getting Luke’s/Anakin’s lightsaber errr reminds me of ‘Tribal Village Trials’, specifically Fallout 2 and ‘recover the ancient artifact’ + hallucinate some bullsh*t. Having just watched the scene, it is difficult to escape notice that Maz really does talk a lot of cryptic gibberish to play the audience for a loop. I suppose you could say that it is ‘part of her character’, but she is doing a great job of appearing wise to Rey, and by extension, the audience, both knowing nothing at this point.

Mystery Men Example:

By the way, Americans tend to find ‘British’ accents as untrustworthy or ‘villainous’, as is evidenced by much of American Cinema, including Peter Cushing (GM Tarkin), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Ian Mcdiarmid (Emperor Palpatine), Anthony Hopkins, Alan Rickman, Ian Mckellan, Christopher Lee, Jeremy Irons, David Tennant etc.

This might go some way to explaining why people don’t like Rey, or L3-37. Both ‘British’ accents.

Look, the correct ranking of Star Wars films is.

  1. Attack of the Clones
  2. Phantom Menace
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. Revenge of the Sith
  5. Rogue One
  6. The Last Jedi
  7. Return of the Jedi
  8. A New Hope
  9. Empire Strikes Back
  10. The Star Wars Holiday Special

My ranking is unassailable. Just try to assail me.

@Navaronegun Heh. Saved the most obvious British villain for last lol. TOO obvious! 😆

Look, a LOT of trolling and instigation occurs in this thread. Quality stuff. Hourly!

That is Minor League caliber, fit for the “Rogue One” thread. You’d better come back with your “A” game. :)

@JonRowe Guessing that number 10 is your MOST favourite, then? 10-1 scale.


How dare you upload pictures of Grandma without permission!!! 😆

Apologies, I have not seen “Solo” “A Star Wars Story”

According to Box Office statistics, you’re not alone…

Hmmm… China:

P.S for anybody wondering about Rey & suggested fan-backlash about her needing to be somebody ‘special’ e.g a Kenobi, or a Skywalker… that’s not the issue.

  • A simple fix:
    Rey was in the Jedi Temple until she was abandoned. The Jedi temple faces an insurrection, and the kids get randomly abandoned for their own safety. Simple stuff. Perhaps even Rey asked something really personal as a kid to Kid-Kylo about his father and grandfather…
    … which caused him to get really angry and vengeful… etc etc.
    She is then abandoned because what else can you do? Then Luke feels guilty about the abandonment, thinks about killing Kylo because he can see the potential in Kylo to ruin things for every one… and back to where we are. In fact, I thought the ‘abandoment for safety’ was what the setup was going for.

If you wanted Rey’s parents to be ‘scum’, then they could have come back to sell her off… AFTER retrieval from Jedi Temple. Luke has no choice but to give Rey back to parents; Kylo thinks this was bad… same outcome…

  • Does not matter who her parents are!.

What matters is that there is sort of ‘connection’… like in Harry Potter. Or at least some decent motivation.

(I’ve heard some other suggestions about how Rey could have been abandoned by Han, who then comes looking for her, with Kylo blaming himself for his sht dad).*

and, who knows, they might even do it. Perhaps that is what Rey believed… or something, and TLJ is subverting her beliefs, but we have no reason to belive that she believes that… and this is starting to sound like Inception.

Futurama’s Leela outright says what she believes her parents might have been, and expresses her stories to other characters and the viewer, even if they are only her own fantasies.

What prequels? There were prequels?

I was totally onboard with the new movies. And when the final movie in this trilogy comes out I will see it in the theater. I do want to know what happens with Kylo and Rey. But I would like a better story for the ending than I got with TLJ. And maybe now, with those characters out of the story, we will get something new and interesting.

–Tom Hanks voice–

“You won’t”