Star Wars VIII: Spoiler Time

Which is depressing. The stuff in the original Star Wars was fine for the time, and the chases in Empire were great. After that, the spectacle of RotJ was amazing for the time (models!) and that probably remains the high point for the franchise, although I really liked the Attack of the Clones chase between Obi Wan and Jango. Other than that?? Man, maybe Rogue One for the corvette push, but everything else is needlessly bad, especially in Ep 7-8

Rogue One’s ship was cool, and the variety of ships they have are interesting. But in watching the battle at the security gate to the library planet I was left feeling how stupid it was for all the fleets to be next to each other and yet all the damage was being done by fighters. And after the chase plot line in The Last Jedi maybe I was a little critical, but come on, if your ship isn’t there to fight then maybe it shouldn’t be there.

My son is huge into Darth Vader.

He is also 4, and has seen the movies once, so for him it is Vader, Chewie, and R2-D2 because these are the things that capture his imagination.

Does the schism mimic Star Trek TOS and TNG fans? I wasn’t around then. I mean, I was alive but not online.

I enjoyed watching the Avengers 3 trailer on the big screen more than TLJ. Definitely my most anticipated 2018 movie.

Dunno, but there is a new schism between fans of TNG/VOY/ENT (Brannon Braga fanbois, basically) and Discovery I think. Orville fits into this as well.

It’s more like the people who enjoyed Star Trek 4 annoying the Wrath of Khan fanatics for enjoying the whale movie as much or more, imo.

But did Star Trek 2 ever inspire a song as good as this one?

Real fans love both Star Trek 2 and Star Trek 4.

And hate “Star Trek” (2009).

I finally saw this today, and while it probably the doesn’t help that I’m not a huge fan of Star Wars, it was the worst movie I’ve paid to see in a long while. Inglourious Basterds might be the last one I’ve disliked more.

The best thing I can say about the film is it made me think of the Please Mr Kennedy scene from Inside Llywen Davis.

One thing just occurred to me. I get that Kirk goes back in time to catch a whale in order to communicate with an alien space ship. But why do the whales have something positive to say? Wouldn’t they be freaking out or pissed off? I mean, they were abducted and trapped in a tiny space ship! I mean, it’s hard just to get my cat into his carrier.

I doubt it was that complicated of a conversation. More like hey are you still there, yep we’re here and she’s pregnant! Thanks for checking on us.

So, they traveled across the galaxy to ask, “Sup dude. R u home??”

It’s a probe that can destroy almost every ship and planet it comes across but for some reason it can’t figure out there aren’t any whales without hearing from them… I mean what was plan b, just destroy the universe? You’d think a quick scan would have done it.

Aliens who thought that whales were the only intelligent beings on earth. Imagine that.

Judging from the number of wars we have and how we democratically elect literal morons to lead us, they may have it right.

Man has always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much…while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man…for precisely the same reason.

WSJ doing the serious investigative journalism.

Took me a while to catch up on this thread but it’s been a fun read. Seems like a lot of deeply held feelings, both pro and con for this movie. I can’t say I share that though my feelings about the movie are mostly positive.

I dig that the heroes are mostly shown to have feet of clay. Finn is a coward, Poe shoots first and thinks later, Rey seems fairly naive and passive. Good Jedi traits! Whereas the original trilogy presented its characters as archetypes, this movie tries to dig into actual human foibles. I like that the character qualities that might make you perfect for winning a galactic war and defeating a dark side master might not leave you well equipped to lead in peace time, or to train new students up in the ways of the force. I’ll buy all that.

There’s plenty of details that seem like odd choices, I’ll agree with the nitpicks but set them aside. The movie isn’t concerned with how bombs drop in space work and neither am I. I am really curious about how things wrap up but I do wish it wasn’t falling back in Abrams’s lap. I didn’t care for The Force Awakens all that much.