Star Wars VIII: Spoiler Time

Okay, so that scene invalidated the version of Star Wars that you’ve spend decades building up in your head. Fair enough!

To me it was just a kind of cool, inventive scene in a movie. Even though I am/was a huge Star Wars fan I’m just going with the flow these days, with no huge investment in the lore.

It wasn’t in MY head. As it was said upthread, Lucus built up EU as canon more or less before the sale to Disney. After the sale Disney just tore it up.

But it is in your head, unless there’s something in the EU specifically about weaponised hyperspace?

Otherwise you’re just making assumptions based on omission.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Haha well maybe there is, I wouldn’t know! I got the sense from your comments that there wasn’t.

Either way, none of that EU stuff is relevant to plot points in the latest film anymore. :)

The problem with corporate storytelling is that logic, consistency or imagination is irelevant. As long as there is money everything is possible. Alec Guinness said it right when he thought Star Wars is fairytale rubbish.

What? No! This is the opposite of what was said. Lucas did not consider the EU as canon.

I guess canon is the wrong word. Lucas made sure that EU is consistent with canon, i.e. Luke in the movies COULD have been married to whoever in EU.

Er if you obsessed over that stuff then every single SW movie could be ripped apart similarly. This ain’t hardcore SyFy dude, it’s fantasy science fiction. How does a hyperdrive work? Who gives a shit. Just enjoy the ride.

Besides, it’s the Empire, nature better behave…

Ok I finally watched the Honest Trailers Last Jedi joint and damn did they nail it.

My uncle told me stopped watching A New Hope because the X-wings banking to turn in space made no sense, so the whole movie was dumb. Also, you can’t jump to light speed, that doesn’t make any sense and it doesn’t get you to other star systems in a couple minutes. Holes everywhere!

I guess I just considered the hyperspace-jump maneuver to be a ‘exact-right-place-at-exactly-the-right-time’ thing, and Holdo was a good enough tactician to take advantage of it. They’ve shown before that you can’t jump to hyperspace aimed at/while inside a nearby object, otherwise you’d hit it. So it stands to reason there’s a certain range you have to go before actually entering hyperspace and being intangible (for lack of a better description). It’s not a maneuver people use often as it’s difficult to time/compute correctly and you’re either resource-poor (the rebels in the OT) and a starship is not a thing you want to waste or you’re dominant (the Empire) and there’s no need- you just crush. She just saw the opportunity, and need, and took it.

I guess moviegoers in the 70s weren’t ready for Newtonian physics. Also: what the hell there’s no sound in space! What is all this pew pew crap?!