Stardock opening 2nd studio for new PC RPG

Gamefly errr Shacknews says.
Awesome news, congrats Brad et all. I expect Brad to be along shortly with more info and a new thread. Kinda surprised we don’t already have 3 of them, unless I missed something.

Congrats Brad! A $900,000 addition will give you guys some nice room to work.

Awesome! Grats. The only Stardock game I’ve bought was Sins, but I suck at strategy games and didn’t really put enough time to learn it well. Elemental looks cool, but RPGs are right up my alley. :)

I’m really glad to see some good news in gaming! There have been so many layoffs and closures that we really needed to see someone open up a new shop and hang out the hiring sign. Especially in the PC space.

I’m glad to see good news in Detroit, frankly. It’s brutal here.


If Brad reads this: Does the new (or the old) studio hire English-German localizers? :D

This is awesome news! Can’t wait to hear more about it.

Great news. We definitely need more commercial PC RPG developers in the USA.

Hell yes, congrats and hopefully everything they do is wildly successful and amazingly good - so business as usual :p

How about English-Spanish ones? Die kommen ja viel häufiger vor, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut wie mein Spanisch, muß ich zugeben.


Sooo… what’s this about a new RPG? According to Edge it’s cross-platform, by the way, not PC exclusive.

Tax credits amounting to $900K have enabled the company to open a second studio that is in the very early stages of a cross-platform RPG inspired by Baldur’s Gate-style games.

Well, RPGs are pretty daunting to make. I’m not surprised they’d decide to hedge their bet with cross platform. However, there’s some stiff competition on the consoles too, Nothing against Stardock, but unless they are targeting the Wii as their console (or perhaps XBLA), they’ll inevitably be compared to the AAA rpgs on those platforms.

Siento decir que mi español es mucho mejor, como malagueño que soy ;)
De hecho, he trabajado en algunas cosillas de traducción por internet (traducción de cómic y novela) asi que tengo experiencia previa!

So hire meeee! I will translate Elemental! :P

Does PC & MAC count as cross platform?
Otherwise, I’m kinda puzzled, but I’m sure Brad will reveal some more info not too far down the road.


I am going to go out on limb here and say it is probably easier to convince experienced game developers to move to Michigan for work these days!

Brad has always struck me as a much better businessman than most of the so called executives at EA et al.

This is the perfect time to be setting up a new studio and expanding, not cutting back.

He can probably get physical infrastructure (buildings etc) in Michigan for a song these days, and he obviously scored a $900k tax cut plus some more comms infrastructure.

In terms of staff, Brad will have his pick of some real talented people out there at the moment who have been let go, or fear for their current job security thanks to the lack of trust on behalf of their corporate owners. Anyone moving to Michigan can probably get a very decent house for not much as well.

Come two to three years time (when the game is finished) they will be releasing the game into a much different economy.

In short, Brad can expand his business now and set up an experienced and talented studio for significantly less than it would have cost even 6 months ago and be totally set when the economy improves. (Or everyone just gets used to living in an extended period of subdued growth, like Japan)

Ah, then iPhone version confirmed! ;)

! + O = ( ! )

This is good news for anyone that likes games. Congrats to Stardock!

I was excited until I saw the bit about being cross-platform. Now I’m going to wait and see before getting excited.