Stardock owns Star Control and is planning an "XCOM-like" reboot

Yeah, I think I agree with all that. Remember they included modding tools with Elemental/Fallen Enchantress and that didn’t really catch on because the tools were difficult to use and there was practically no decent documentation for them. These kinds of tools are only broadly embraced by a community if they are either a) well documented or b) intuitive/easy to figure out. NW Nights did both well. The modding tools for Divinity OS were great tools functionality wise but met neither criteria above and therefore bombed.

I think multiplayer in what are otherwise SP games is a scourge on modern gaming. Every SP game out there these days must have MP or people on the game’s official forums scream about it day and night. Never mind that adding MP not only costs extra but also usually largely destroys the fun in the game because then the devs have to make sure everything is “balanced” (my new gaming curse word).

Stardock seems to consistently bite off more than can be delivered with focus on their projects. The result being buggy messes like Fallen Enchantress, which is a very fun game, but even now still has a lot of issues. Sadly, I think this project is not going to end well.