Starsector: Best space combat 13 years in the making - 0.96 out (2023 update)

Learn the Eagle! I still don’t have that. I don’t think it’s part of a package.

Both MkIIs are pirate trash. Learn if you want a complete set, sell otherwise.

I spent the first probably 40 or so hours playing this as just an explorer-salvager taking exploration missions all over the galaxy because I’m a bit crap at combat. One of the things I ran across on several occasions were delelict research stations, delerlict ships, and some ancient race that sits dormant till you enter the sector and then are immediately hostile (these guys have some cool ships and tech).

I’m pretty sure I got just about all of my blueprints from those missions early on, honestly don’t recall if it include paragon or astral or not, so it could be that I got them when taking out a tri-tachyon fleet, because that is the one big down side to hegemony commisision, they periodically go to war with everyone and you have to pay attention to that when going back for resupply (and on more than one occasion I’ve not paid attention and ended up attacked and then forced to blow up a fleet for whoever the idiot hegemony are temporarily at war with that I’ve just blundered into a sector owned by).

If you do decide to raid core worlds I’d love to hear how that goes, because I’ve been contemplating it myself now that I regularly get not only fairly powerful pirate raids (I’m talking at this point 3-4 fleets) right along with the major factions (had to beat one back that was pretty damn stout just today by the Persean League. So of course it’s starting to cross my mind to begin taking them out at the source ;)

I still haven’t taken a commission. I was tempted to take one with TT just to purchase a Paragon. Perhaps it’s time. Now just to decide if I should ally with TT to purchase ships, or ally with whoever goes to war with them next and hope I can get a raid in.

I tried switching so I could buy a paragon, but changing your standing takes way too long. The ships are gated till you get pretty far up in relations. It was simply going to take forever. So i resigned up with hegemony, because while this might be over kill, sending 2 XIV onslaughts in a battle group is just so deadly.

Btw, this little ship might be one of my favorites in the game, no idea where I got it:

My number one request for the next patch in this game is to make all the filters in the intel screen always show and stay in the same place.

Btw, that ancient race reference earlier, they’re called remnant. One of those this that was nagging me to recall, haha

According to the wiki, the Salvage Gantry doesn’t affect blueprint salvaging, only common resources like fuel and supplies.

I did at one point have reload from a save prior to exploring some ruins. I got the same blueprint set from them when I explored after reloading. It might have coincidence but perhaps they aren’t random at runtime but generated as part of the map.

Good to know about salvage gantry ships, I didn’t know for sure what it benefited. For exploration and salvage increases in supplies and fuel is still a really nice benefit of bringing some salvage ships along since those two are the limiting factor on where you can get to.

Yeah, I’m of the impression the galaxy you spin up at the start is fixed as to what’s in it. Good to keep that in mind when hunting around that what’s out there is all that’s out there so don’t waste it.

When the hegemony snagged 4 of my cores in that raid the thought did occur to me these are not an unlimited resource.

I’ve also noticed your guy caps at 50 and your officers at 20, so it pays to keep that in mind as well as you can’t actually choose all the upgrades in abilities for either of them.

I believe AI cores are unlimited since you can get them as post battle salvage from remnant, and their bases in high danger system keep spawning fleets.

After my exploration of worlds on the edge of the map so far only yielded me yet another set of high tech and midline blueprints I’m trying a new approach. I found myself in Askonia, the Diktat’s main and only system, in the hopes I could find ways to up my reputation after having to destroy an expedition of theirs. I noticed that the uninhabited world in their system has vast ruins. Regular exploration didn’t yield any new blueprints, so I decided to plop down a temporary tech mining colony.

From what I’ve read it appears that you can abandon a colony without repercussions other than the evacuation cost as long as it’s doesn’t get to size four. From my tech mining of the widespread ruins on Groculant I’ve learned that the ruins eventually get tapped out and production becomes minimal. It seems to make sense then to put down a colony and then abandon it when tech production falls off.

I’ve got like 6 or 7 colonies now, it might even be 8, don’t have the game open at the moment to confirm.

But it has made me wonder, does the game design create a gate, like increasing attacks or instability issues when you start getting more and more of these?

And if so, anyone know where that starts to happen? Is it at 10 colonies? Or even 8 and I’ve already hit it and that’s why the major factions are attacking me now?

Btw, I’ve done that tech mining thing you described, only I didn’t abandon the colony, I just removed the tech mining once I was convinced it was played out and replaced it with something else.

When an expedition is sent against you tells your why. They are sent to disrupt your operations because of your competing market share in a resource. I’ve been getting some armada sized expeditions, and it’s costing me 400k to avert them currently.

Path interest is due to buildings in a given colony. Each building has a number of points toward interest that you can see on the intel screen where it shows pather cells.

I’m not sure what drives pirate interest.

From this it seems less the number of colonies you have, but how built up individual colonies are.

So is size 6 considered big? What’s the largest you’ve gotten a colony to?

If I’m not mistaken (not in front of game) I just recently hit six on my three main colonies, but I don’t think population is the primary factor. Productivity is. What drove the biggest raid I had so far was my market share in ship hulls. It was targeted at my orbital works. I had recently added the pristine nanoforge I acquired from the domain mothership I battled. That drove my market share up past 10%, I think it’s 14% now.

Yeah, a nanoforge has them attacking where I build ships, and fuel manufacturing with a Synchrotron on it has them attacking that. This piece of the game design appears to be focused on attacking you if your development is impeding their efforts at profiting from what you’re cranking out. Which actually is a rather nice game design I think.

I know at this point I’m really in the end game section of this one and there is no end game. so the question is what else should I do at this point or should I just start a new one and/or move on to something else (I never really figured out Offworld Trading Company, so there’s that waiting for me).

Maybe you can try for total market dominance and see if you can destroy a faction by making them totally unprofitable.

I made a successful raid on the orbital works at Culann and came away with an Aurora blueprint.

The Persean League became hostile to Tri-Tachyon so I took the opportunity to take a commission with them. This allowed me to finally acquire some capital ships in the form of a pair of Conquests. I moved into Hybrasil, chased away the small fleets surrounding Culann, and once they were out of range moved in to destroy the battlestation orbiting the planet. The newly acquired Conquests plus the plasma cannons of my three Apogees, supported by the various high tech and remnant fighters of my now five Drovers, was enough to defeat the station. With that obstacle out of the way I used almost all of my fuel on a tactical bombing to reduce the ground defenses. Finally the 1000 marines I brought along with me showed a 78% chance of success and I went for it. Thirteen of my finest marines made the ultimate sacrifice.

If I had planned this better I would have raced back home where I have a Valkyrie troop transport in storage that I forgot about until afterwards.

Well done, I’ll have to take that idea for a spin myself against whomever the hegemony currently have us at war with, haha.

Let me know what you think of the Aurora, I think they make damn fine assault-support coupled with my Onslaughts, they’re fast, maneuverable and have good CR so they stay in the fight for a good amount of time.