Starsector: Best space combat 13 years in the making - 0.96 out (2023 update)


(Yeah, me too. What a huge lost opportunity. I’ve written a bit about the iPad thing in my not-yet-done Memories of Dredmor part 3. So whenever that comes out… )

I just wanted to say this is a great release. So much better than the previous one. The only thing I really don’t care much for are the new slipstreams. They never seem to go in a direction I need to go and I can’t cross them without getting swept way, way off course. I end up making lengthy detours to avoid them, costing even more more fuel and supplies. All in all, I just wish they’d go away. Any chance those could be toggled on or off at game creation?

In general, I hope more settings in the config file get moved to the game to customize it more when starting up a new game.

Yeah, apparently farming is a no, no for ludic path. I hope they all starve because they don’t farm. I guess maybe they eat heretics instead.

Emergency burn across them works pretty well, in my experience.

Yeah, I tried that and it works well. @dbaum, this has solved my issues with the slipstreams.

Ah, good to hear!

(I’m actually quite interested to see what modders do with slipstreams. As is often the case, if you provide a framework then a hundred people bang their heads on it they’ll come up with some novel applications before long.)

I love this game so much.

It is quite possible that I am as bad at the combat in this game as I was in Mount and blade war band. My ship swings wildly left to right and the ordnance spews about harmlessly.

In spite of my crappy combat ‘skills’ in M&BW I Advanced quickly where as in this game I can’t even get out of the tutorial.

You don’t need to pilot your flagship. You can let the AI do it for you and just manage the overall strategy of the battles by giving orders to ships as needed. I find it works quite well and many people do that.

I let the AI fly the ships simply because there are so many things going on, such as flicking shields off and on, venting, getting distances right… I think it will mirror actual space combat in the future. No one’s going to be able to manage all these things perfectly all the time.

Your comments are affirming though it is ironic that a game built around combat may be too challenging for many players to actively engage in combat. I shall try to improve. What an achievement by a lone developer!

Rhadamant seems to know his stuff and I’ve learned a lot. Starsector - Neophyte Bounty-Hunter // EP2 - YouTube

Should we start this on Episode 2?

I started on Episode 1 but I’m a newb

Oh, got you - sorry, you linked Ep 2 and I started over thinking it. Sometimes EP1 is just a brief intro to the series, that sort of thing, but he seemed to be in the thick of things where I started watching.

Here’s the full playlist, only 41 episodes.

He does a good job of striking the balance between game play, explanation and still feeding the YT beast with appreciations.

I’m enjoying his videos so far, thanks for linking. One thing that made me cringe was when he severely overloaded his storage by picking up over 100 metals, and then limped at severe cost back to the nearest station to sell the excess off… for 11 space bucks per metal, about $1200 total. Not bad, except he lost 18 extra supply per day from the over load and was at half speed, so he probably lost $5,000 in supplies just making the trip. Don’t over load your cargo space, kids. It’s almost never profitable.

I should really play this again. I still haven’t since 2019, and watching this video and one before it last week that popped up on my feed really makes the itch to play it again burn.

The main thing I’ve learned from his videos is buy and sell in the black market (within reason). Tariffs drain credits but I’m such a lawful character (IRL) that I was trading on the opening market because I thought the Black Market would get me in too much hot water. And so I was wondering why I couldn’t make any money.

I still can’t hit jackshit but I guess pressing the space key during combat is a thing that I need to explore.