Steam Makes Consumerist

Um. Guys?

You might want to fix this problem.

Chet doesn’t post/run/participate actively here no more, being driven off by the software pirates.

For serious?

the forum got handed over to stusser in the last few months. i can’t recall the thread or post but it got pretty nasty.

I know chet is elswhereish but I figured somebody from Valve might still lurk around here…

I think Chet was driven away by his own rage.

Update on the situation: it was an amalgam of problems. First, my credit card company charged me a carrying fee for the first time in the account’s history. The other was a charge on the fact that Valve processed the payment overseas. It was just a ridiculous coincidence that the carrying charge matched what the conversion rate was. In any case, everything has been resolved by all parties and all is well with the world (short of war, poverty, etc).

He mistook a monthly finance charge from his credit card provider for some sort of currency conversion fee from Valve.

Ah, good ol’ Internet.

Chet was always good at dishing it out, but not so good at taking it.

Amazingly good at dishing it out.

I really like chet in spite of myself. I don’t think he liked me very much (not many of you do!) but I liked him.

Somehow even when he was ripping me a new one it was still funny and fun.

Unlike some of you other dingleberries.

He’s probably hiding from L4D fanboys who are raged that the promised DLC hasn’t been “shortly” announced after all.

And to think I was going to post last night that we should just wait until we get more details on this issue… :)

How come the article hasn’t been corrected? Does somebody need to make a watchdog blog for shitty watchdog blogs?

EDIT: Hahaha, the top article on the site, in summary, is that you shouldn’t buy a 1080p TV set to watch the Superbowl because it’s broadcast in 1080i.

snarky comment about the death of real journalism

Consumerist has always had a somewhat hysterical tone, but I would imagine that it is an editorial choice. Screaming headlines sell tabloids, and I expect that there’s something similar going on here. I’m behind their stated goals, but they have way too many “American Airlines only gave me one packet of peanuts!” stories. I wonder if things will change with the new owners?

Yeah, the Consumerist is less focused on actual consumer rights and more on “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT ALWAYS NO MATTER HOW DUMB!”. Knee-jerk stories like this one are what the site’s all about. And yeah, the 1080p “article” is pretty fucking stupid. “Paranoid” and “uninformed” is a bad combination.