Since we have a bunch o’ Steam users…[from Kotaku]
The thought of someone using the gift function may cause some of you to dump your better judgment and get caught:
The authentic-looking e-mail uses a spoofed, [email protected] address, forwarding recipients to a dummy version of the Steam Community web site. That page simply harvests login and password information, potentially giving the phishing schemers access to personal account information.
Normally I’d say that it’s kiddies looking for clean accounts they can resume their cheaty ways in Counterstrike with, as recovered accounts often come back VAC banned. This is a bit more “professional” than their usual lame spoofing attempts, though.
They could get into your account and change your password, and if you’re dumb enough to have the same password for steam as you do for your email then they could get control of your email account as well. Without your email account or your Steam password, you no longer have a Steam account.