Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

This… is amazing to me.

He is doing it right! It is not about playing the games, it is about collecting them. :D



Might be worth taking the couple minutes to launch some old games.

What do I win?!


You win NOTHING because I win:


I have to go way back for mine:

I lose:

…but I also kinda win 'cause I got Beyond Good and Evil for $5.

So for Memorial Day weekend in the US we’re remembering… videogames.

Alrighty then.


I have played. . . surprisingly many of those games (albeit not all on Steam). I did play Freedom Force, Monkey Island, and KOTOR all the way through off the discs back in the day, and then logged at least a few hours each into Civ 4, Jade Empire, Defense Grid, and Portal. My averages drop off a cliff from there, though. . .

I’m almost tempted to check out Shadow of Mordor, but what is the point?

Weird. Joined Steam 2004. First purchase was Orange Box in 2007. Then I didn’t buy another game until 2011. Since then, well, a lot more purchases.

I just downloaded >10GB from Steam to play a bunch of games for 2 seconds and then immediately uninstall them to get worthless achievements on the off-chance it’ll provide a coupon for the summer sale in a month. I’m not proud of this, just stating a fact.

If you’d just waited 9 years, you could’ve gotten Oddworld for free. In fact, now I wanna play it.

I came home, ready to install all these games for this thing…then I realized I just didn’t give a shit and…didn’t install anything.

Welcome to my world, Brian. Here. Have a cookie. :)

This is fun, and I’ll definitely revisit some, but “Another Chance” (Play a game you’ve spent less than an hour playing)!? … hmmm, there’s probably a reason for that!

Regarding the Steam Link app on Apple devices: nope.

Works great on my Nvidia ShieldTV, although Nvidia Gamestream works great-er.

Apple’s a huge pain in the ass, and you can’t sideload onto iOS.

Aw, crap! I have no friend or curator recommended games, so I’m done. I little fun while it lasted I guess.