I picked this up on a whim for a trip to play on my Switch and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite games. I grabbed it on PC when it first showed up there, but didn’t put much time into it (meaning to get back to it, I think a bunch of other stuff came out around then, or maybe I got it with several other titles as part of a Steam sale or something).
I thought I’d share some screenshots I took from the first … half? of the game? Something like that? Not sure how long it is, I’ve been playing for awhile and only just got a means to warp to an entirely new map, which was cool as it means I have a lot more game left. But this is the kind of game where you…
…Explore a map and uncover fun side quests!
…Level up and command awesome abilities unique to each of your crew members…
…to then unleash in amazingly satisfying, turn based combat in a procedurally generated map (each map location is a mission with a static set of objectives, but on a randomly determined layout).
…Fight really unique bosses and unlock an honestly kind of cool story and “world” to boot!
Plus it looks amazing, it plays smooth as silk, and it’s easy to take in bite size chunks or play for hours at a stretch, just replaying missions to get more loot and XP for your crew (only crew in a mission, and that survive a mission, get XP, so I have a few I like that are way ahead of others, and when I can bring like 4 members into a fight, I tend to have one or two low level guys I wish I had taken the time to level up a bit).
Also, high level crew get some seriously useful and tactical powers. Like Sentinal crew members gain “FOCUS” where if they don’t move from the previous turn they get bonus damage, or Inspire which if you position an Inspiring character next to other characters, they all do bonus damage. It gives the combat a satisfying puzzle aspect where you can really try some great strategies out.
And if you play on harder difficulties, you’ll need them. You can select before each mission the difficulty, so if you are having trouble you can drop it down on easy. Losing a mission can be rough, you lose half your funds (Water, is the currency here) and even if you complete a mission, as mentioned before defeated crew members are reassembled but gain no XP for that mission.
In a nod to @tomchick though, playing on harder difficulties yields more XP and I think better/more loot, on top of being a more satisfying experience for those looking for something like that.
I don’t know where it will go from here, I just beat the first major boss and got to a new area, like I mentioned, but I’m getting invested enough I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this gem. It’s just incredible so far.
I should also mention last year (I think it was 2018) I picked up and played through all of Steamworld Dig 2 and haed a blast with that, but this is a similar art style and I assume the same world (universe?) but it’s a completely different game. This is a tactical combat game, sort of like Worms meets XCOM.