Stellaris grand strategy space game by Paradox discussy thingy thready thingy


I don’t think Dark Forest Theory makes sense in Stellaris because

  1. Peace between civilizations is possible.
  2. You can’t really make the kind of fast technological leaps that make other civilizations so threatening in Three Body Problem. If you’re way ahead of somebody in tech, you’re not going to all of a sudden find yourself so behind them that they could wipe you out in an instant. You’re going to stay ahead, or worst case, they could gradually catch up.
  3. Tech isn’t so important relative to production and economy. There’s nothing possible like in Book 1 where Earth had dozens of ships and the Trisolarans had one, and they destroyed the Earth fleet in ten minutes. Even if someone is way ahead in tech, they would need to be able to pump out a whole lot of energy and minerals to be a threat.

Which all makes sense – Three Body Problem wouldn’t make a great game, I don’t think – destroying every civilization you find until one finds you and then they shoot you with their superweapon and the game is instantly over. Also, you’d need to roll up a galaxy with thousands, if not tens of thousands of stars for the game to make any sense – everyone needs to be hard to find!

Or maybe it would be fun, I don’t know. For better or worse, Stellaris is mostly relitigating Star Trek.