Stupid Concerns Thread: I can't "Finish" Yawning

This thread continues to amuse and inform. 6/10

Heyy I really hope you see this please let me know what your doctor said or if you figured anything out because I’m having the same issue with the yawning

Heyy I really hope you see this please let me know what your doctor said or if you figured anything out because I’m having the same issue with the yawning please answer

Heyy I really hope you see this please let me know what your doctor said or if you figured anything out because I’m having the same issue with the yawning Please

I think yawning under water will make it go away. (Don’t listen to me I’m lying.)

I had this exact issue. But it had nothing to do with anxiety it was medical related.

Id just had surgery and had been under general anesthesia where they stick the tube in your throat. My tonsils were swollen for a week and I could only do half yawns. It is likely swollen tonsils from irritation, strep, stones, or similar conditions. Luckily I was on antibiotics from surgery but it was also difficult for me to swallow liquids and foods for a few days so I was briefly malnutritioned through all of this. I was drowning myself in hot tea with honey religiously multiple times a day until I could get a full yawn. The yawn was definitely necessary because I had a flight and became worried about my not being able to pop my eardrums sufficiently.

The first time I had a full yawn I forced it essentially. Yes it was a little painful and I could feel how tight (swollen) my tonsils were.

I wasn’t coughing but I think the yawn was an alternative to my not being able to cough. My chest was very tight and I had shallow breathing from surgery. So I think the “unfinished” yawns were from solely from my body not being able to physically cough. Swollen tonsils and inability to cough up phlegm.

As I yawned in full the first few times alot of phlegm came up and I was spitting for a good hour. But after a night and morning of hot honey tea I was cured completely. No short yawns and my tonsils had gone down significantly.

Get your tonsils checked and make note of any throat soreness or dryness. Its the most likely cause.

Surgery and intubation can sure do some odd things to people that some might not expect.

Welcome to the forum! (though that’s an oddly specific username for an account lol)

This thread is really odd in how it constantly draws single-time posters. It seems this subject has very little online help for this problem that this thread is a major source of info!

Yeah, if you run “can’t finish yawning” through Google this is the second result you get. There are a few threads like that around here for whatever reason.

I am proud to contribute to internet history with this small post, at least.

I think after reading all that, an update is in order Armando…

I can now yawn very successfully, and do so many times per day, because I lead an extremely unhealthy life and avoid sleep like COVID-19.

COVID-19 avoids sleeping? Wow, I learn something new about that virus every day.

Listen, and understand. That virus is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or sleepiness. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Mmm, now I wanna go listen to Perturbator.

You mentioned dry mouth, anxiety and sleeping problems…I’ve also had these issues in the past along with the yawning issue you described.

Are you taking any amphetamines by chance? Adderall?

You’re on your way to being Chet Jr. (Chet having (besides awesome game stuff) to have been internet famous for something that drew tons of internet flies, the registration of

Hello all - how interesting this thread on this platform but anyway I think the majority of folks above have touched in the root cause, the clinical term they should be googling instead of can’t finish a yawn is pseudo dyspnea.
I have it - it sucks. PPI meds can help short term to allow esophagitis to resolve.
I understand esophagitis is caused by the silent reflux of acid into the back of the throat, inflaming a nerve which sends false signal to brain that you need to take a deep breath. Sighing, yawning, sometimes getting satisfaction - it’s all related to the nerve and inflammation. In severe cases it can result in vocal chord dysfunction (VCD).
I am told the key is to adapt low acid diet, eat clean and cut out fizzy & carbonated drinks.
Best course would be to get an endoscopy to see what is going on with your esophagus and stomach, it may be a hernia or h.pylori infection etc.
I believe many people that have his are misdiagnosed as anxiety disorder, but the anxiety is a result of the sensation of being short of breath, resolve the symptom and the anxiety goes away.

Great post!
[You’re never coming back, are you?]

Omg i have the EXACT same thing you describe I use to think I WAS THE ONLY ONE i’ve been experiencing this since the age of 8 (i’m now 24) and i would say to my dad the yawn thing is back and he would tell me he would take me to the dr and try and help me yawn by yawning himself i would be in tears so frustrated and haunted for when it would make its return back in my day and it did id say probably at least once a month but sometimes it doesn’t happen for months but when i have it can last up to a week…

Hi everyone, my name is Jorge and I currently live in north Georgia. About a week ago during one of my frustrations, I stumbled upon this website. And I am just astonished at the story’s and even though I know that GI problems are very occurrent in a lot of people’s lives, reading these story’s I can see very vivid images of what al of you are going through. The reason that I ended up here is because I have had GI problems since I was 10. I am currently 19 and am a college student.

When I was 10 I found out that I had a rectum prolapse, and the way I found out was by showing my mom and dad because i thought it was normal for some odd reason. Since then I have had 4 rectum prolapse surgery because the first 3 failed and gave me more and more problems. Thankfully the last surgery was the one. But where I am still struggling is that after my 3rd surgery I have had very bad constipation, bloating, vomiting, cramps, fever, and body debilitation.

So currently I am taking stimulant laxatives every 4th day and as all of you may be living through the exact same thing, some stimulant laxatives cause a lot of cramping, dehydration, nausea, and bloating due to the retention of water. And for most of you wondering I have tried almost every natural supplement, over the counter, and prescription drug and dulcolax is the only thing that helps me. I’ve also tried diets, gluten free, low fodmap diet, exercise, heavy exercise, and nothing works.

And also after my last surgery I have really bad pains in my stomach and lower body area due to the incisions and nerves. So all of this kind of frustrates me but I try to hold my head up high knowing that I don’t have a feeding tube, knowing that I don’t have a colostomy bag (in which doctors insist that this is my only option) and that I can also eat. There are always people going through worse so I try to make the best of myself each day. I am currently trying to go to mayo clinic since it seems like the place to be for my history. All I want is a doctor who is not arrogant and who can sympathize with me and my issues. Wether he or she can help me or not it is very heartwarming when a doctor does whatever they can. Thank you to all the people who are writing these story’s to help us cope and to give us hope that we will get better and also to do the most with what holds us back.